With Clarion missing on a secret mission, how will Nene react?

I have to admit that I felt very sympathetic towards Nene since her wife, Clarion is missing with a message telling her not to get involved. It seems that Nene took it badly and is afraid that she is mad at her for relying on her too much. To make matters worse, it seems that Takumi is hiding what happened to Clarion from Nene. It’s sad to see Nene completely out of it throughout the first half. Even when she played with Amy, she couldn’t stop thinking about Clarion. She also tried to saved Lean who climbed up a tree on her own, but couldn’t since the branch broke, thus they were both saved by Robert. This made her felt even worse than she was before.

On the other hand, it seems that our favorite police officer, Robert helped Nene resolve her worries by talking with her. It seems that she is worried about over relying on Clarion too much and that she needs to be able to get things done by herself. Robert reminds her to not worry since Clarion already trusts her and that Nene should go out and save her. From this, it seems that Nene got over her issues and plans on saving her. She sneaks out with BUER after she cleaned up the bedroom and fantasize about reuniting with Clarion.

As for what happened to Clarion, it seems that she was fighting against Ian Krutz`s android. Yep, it was a tough fight, but it appeared that she almost beaten it, but sadly, she got defeated in the end. With that, I am worried that she might not have survived the attack. Then again, we shouldn’t give up hope just yet. Maybe there is a very good possibility that she is still alive.

While things look grim as peace on the island is now threatened, I am still hopeful that Nene will get to Clarion in time to stop Ian’s evil plan. Of course, she is not the only one that is stopping him. It seems that Robert is finally voluntarily tasking all his police officers to stop him thanks to Uzal’s secret information. From this, hopefully Ian will be stopped in time so that the island can be saved from BUER’s wrath along with Nene reuniting with Clarion.
Nene will use the power of love to rescue the manliest lezborg in the yuriverse!
In no doubt, Nene will absolutely save her. The power of love will prevail evil.