I find it somewhat silly that Chika out of all people managed to somewhat injured herself before the preliminaries.
Yep, it seems that the bass club is finally taking their first step in competing in nationals. I find it funny that Chika managed to injure herself a day before the preliminaries to save a child that fell off the ledge of an apartment. Although she had minor injuries, it looks like she will be fine since Naoko is there to relieve her injuries.

As for this episode’s mystery, it’s about a dog. It’s not just any kind of dog, it’s a special breed of dog that is worth millions of yen. Apparently, Haruta managed to find it and wanted to keep it as a pet. I like how Chika became disappointed in him for trying to do so and kicked him. Suddenly two contested owners, a man and a girl claims that the dog is theirs. In other words, Haruta and Chika managed to get themselves into another mystery.

While the mystery is hardly that deep aside from the cryptic dog tag which resembles a name, it is actually an address. Aside from that, I knew that the man who shown up was a con man. It’s obvious considering that pie is not actually the dog’s name. The actual name of that dog came from a story called Through the Looking Glass. Yep, the instructor came at the right time to solve the mystery and to expose the fake owner for what he is. Still, it’s fascinating that the dog tag contains the address of the girl’s mother who divorced her father.

Aside from the mystery, it makes me wonder why a writer is interested in their instructor, Shinjiro Kusabe. Maybe it’s because he finds it strange that Kusakabe would throw away a life of being a great conductor to become a band teacher. Perhaps it’s because he wants to do something different despite not wanting to give up on conducting. Either way, given that there is no fools gold and their instructor has a good reputation in creating talent, it’s safe to say that they will past the first round in competing in nationals.