As always, the misadventures with Nene and Clarion continues as they perform in a park, which causes Nene to question using Clarion’s powers.
Now that BUER is now taken along by Clarion so that Takumi won’t try to perform experiments on him, it’s quite amazing how many Gertsecomma she made. She basically mass produces them and make them easy to retool so that the robot’s specialization can be changed in a cinch. Still, given how similar the Gertsecomma makes to the ones Uzal makes, it’s quite obvious that Takumi is an opportunist. Sure, she denies her feelings for Uzal when she takes her technology, it is obvious that they are competing with each other.

Aside from that, it seems that Nene continues to impress as she puts on a performance in the park by using Clarion’s Pandora device. She managed to draw a crowd and catch an old lady’s attention named Anna who was impressed by her abilities and even gives her a piece of candy with a prosthetic hand.

After meeting the old lady, Nene starts to question over her reliance on Clarion’s powers and whether or not she should use it to achieve her dream of world peace. While her goal is very ambitious, I highly doubt that she can achieve it without using it. Sure, she is a cyborg, but one cannot achieve such a big goal without help. People helping others not only allows one to learn new skills, but achieve common that would be impossible to achieve otherwise.

Thankfully, Nene finally realizes that she shouldn’t feel guilty over relying on Clarion after helping numerous people out who were affected by network outage with the help of a man named Robert who works in a police force. Eventually, Clarion and Nene finds Anna they met earlier before unconscious. After Nene realizes that she needs to save her, she uses Clarion’s Pandora device to check on her condition. With some Gertsecommas, they transported her to the hospital. It just shows that a helping hand can be a good thing as long one does not abuse it. After all, it would be impossible for Nene to achieve world peace alone, right?

Still, it’s easy to feel bad towards the reporter since she is out of a job and not happy that robots are replacing humans for service industry jobs. This is somewhat becoming a reality in the near future, at least for jobs like restaurant workers and cooks.
Nene has nothing to worry about as Clarion has no problem lending her wifey a helping hand.
Robert will most likely be conflicted about how to best save people by either following Colonel Kurtz or Nene’s ideals.
Poor Invincible Reporter. Fighto!
Yep, she shouldn’t be too worried, but still I wonder how things will turn out given the military commander wants to do things his way. I wondering what path will Robert choose afterwards/
Still, it seems that the reporter is having difficulties… it’s easy to feel sympathy towards her, but she will get through it since she managed to survive a fall.