At last, the reasons over Koito being a loner finally gets revealed.
For a while, it seems that there are people wondering about Koito since there is something mysterious about her. She has a powerful ability of using her voice to attack and even seal Phantoms. However, she never makes any friends with anyone despite her good looks and reputation. She would rather drive them away.

It makes me wonder why would she rather hunt Phantoms on her own rather than work with others considering how powerful her ability is. If you recall Reina’s situation, it’s somewhat similar, except it has major differences. Originally, Koito did not have a special ability until one night when she was in charge of taking care of rabbits. A Phantom appeared out of nowhere. It granted her a special ability, which she used to seal that said demon. However, it was so powerful that it damaged the school, which caused her friends and parents to become frightened, thus they started to avoid her out of fear. Eventually, she was separated from her parents.

While it’s interesting that people can gain special abilities from encountering Phantoms aside from receiving it at birth, it’s quite obvious that Koito doesn’t want the ability since it ruined her social life. Sure, some people might not like her because of her cold personality, but it’s understandable since everyone basically abandoned her because of her ability. This is probably why she shut everyone out and hunt the Phantoms on her own rather than get involved with others with the fear of being abandoned again. This is also the reason why she wants to face off the Phantom in this episode, although it is not the same one that she faced from her childhood.

Aside from that, while Koito’s character development is not nearly as interesting compared Mai or Reina, it’s interesting to see that being granted a special ability is not always seen as a good thing given the stigma from the school she originally attended. Now that her issues are resolved, hopefully she will warm up to the group except Haruhiko since she is still cold towards him.

Still, I have to admit that Kurumi is rather adorable. She apparently has a stuffed bear named Albrecht, which can grow and fight Phantoms. Yep, it seems that her dream somewhat became true since she was able to use her ability to help her role model, Mai in defeating the Phantom. From the looks of it, Mai is growing her harem of her own with Reina and now Kurumi looking up to her, thus leaving Haruhiko in the dust. Not a big loss since he is not that useful aside from being a big information database and summoning cute puppies.

Given that Kurumi hopes that she can help them again already hints that she will be the main focus of next week’s episode. Will she officially join their team? I guess we will find out next time.
Next up, probably Kurumi’s story or something. While Kurumi is really cute, I think Reina still got it in the moe department.. But Kaito on the other hand.. that tsun tsun personality.. I like. Hard to pick!
Yep, I agree. Kurumi is adorable, but also I also like Reina as well. Its such a tough decision… can’t decide.