It looks like Haruta got evicted from his apartment. What is he going to do aside from living inside a tent?
While the mystery in this episode is light, at least it was somewhat interesting compared to the snooze fest from the last two episodes. With Chika fearing that Haruta will stay at the music instructor’s house and his older sister, Minami finding out that he got his cell phone disconnected, he can’t live in a tent or someone’s house forever. With that, this leaves us to the mystery regarding a mysterious apartment that is sound proof that people are reluctant to rent because of a strange noise from a ghost.

From the looks of it, the current owner seems to have bad luck with being loaded with debt and not having a stable career. He apparently inherited the place from his uncle that used to play pranks on people. Given that his pranks are elaborate, it’s quite amazing to see what he did to it to surprise him as hinted with a big key, the blueprints and the sound proof walls. It took Haruta and the others a while to figure it that it was a miracle left by the owner’s uncle.

From the looks of it, it seems that the owner’s uncle turns his apartment building into a big piggy bank of some sort. Minami happens to find a slot that one can insert coins in and put a coin in, which made the noise as rumored by other people. Given the place was remodeled in 1982 when 500-yen coin was introduced, everything else became history. In short, the uncle saved money which he intends to leave to the current owner. In short, the owner got a nice Christmas miracle by finding the hidden money. He is now able to pay off all the taxes without having to sell the place.

I have to admit that making the place into a piggy bank was creative even though the mystery is shallow at best. At least Haruta now has his own place so that he doesn’t have to become punching bag by his older sisters. Still, I have to admit that Minami, who is one of Haruta’s older sister looks pretty attractive.
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