Now that Clarion is now Nene’s, will they make it to her aunt?
From the looks of it, it seems that Nene and Clarion was saved while the girls who rebelled against Uzal was sent to jail. Yep, it seems that Uzal sent the police so that Nene and Clarion can leave safely while having the rebels thrown into jail. That is good news since Nene and Clarion can finally see their aunt without the fear. Surprisingly, the reporters managed to make it out alive with some injuries despite taking quite a fall.

Believe it or not, Nene’s aunt doesn’t seem to look as her age at all. Takumi, who is Nene’s aunt is surprisingly shorter and young. I would have thought she will be in her 20s, but oh well. She is pretty crazy and she is Uzal’s rival. She even owns similar egg-shaped robots as Uzal has, except they are newer models. Yep, she is living on the bleeding edge considering that she upgraded herself to gain more capabilities without becoming a full cyborg.

From the looks of it, it seems that Nene and Clarion was in a virtual reality after they hook themselves up. The funny thing is that Takumi wants to touch Clarion’s ears to the point that she strains her. Yep, Clarion didn’t like it at all, which causes Nene to activate her Pandora device without touching her and stop Takumi. After that, Nene realizes that it was just a virtual reality.
In the end, it seems that Uzal might actually be dead or she may have faked her death. Either way, while it’s sad to see her gone in two episodes, it seems that her spirit still lives on someway or another. Will she return for real? Well see.

Either way, it seems that the terrorist organization wants to reactivate the weapon Uzal built. Given that Takumi now has the thing that makes it work, I wonder if there will be a clash in the future for the weapon. Even so, there are many nice moments with Nene and Clarion, especially during the first half and hopefully we will continue to see more as their relationship deepens.
Nobody gets to pounce on Clarion but Nene. Aunt Takumi learned the hard way.
How powerful IS Nene I wonder?
The holograms of my beloved scientist made me miss her more and more.
The Invincible Reporter will not die!
Yep, nobody should mess around with Clarion. Who knows how powerful Nene is considering how much potential she has.
Still, it’s sad that Uzal didn’t make it compared to the unnamed reporter who can survive such a huge fall without major injuries. Hopefully she will live on as a hologram or something.