For our next new member, Chika and Haru finds out the reason why Maren decided to not join the Bass Club, but instead choose the Drama Club.
To me, I felt that this episode was not that interesting. Sure, it’s a good thing that the club has grown to 10 members since the last episode. Still, the time skip to October kind of irked me. Thankfully, the club is no longer on the verge of getting disbanded even though Chika is still the deadweight of the whole band. Makes me wonder if she is playing badly on purpose in order to get private lessons from the instructor. Too bad Haruta shut her down, thus she had private lessons from a flute teacher instead.

As for the mystery this time, it involves a student named Maren who used to be a saxophone. Chika, Haruta and Miyoko found out about him from the drama club president. Apparently, Maren didn’t join despite being a good saxophone player. It makes me wonder why. When Chika decides to take up the challenge as they performed a play with the team that gets a certain person to leave wins the reason seems simple, right? It all depends on if the team can get their person to leave without the opposing team blocking it.

While the play is not that interesting to be honest, it’s somewhat apparent that the game is rigged to reveal the thing that was bothering Maren. Apparently, he was put up for adoption by his parents since they were about to violate the one child rule in China (which the country has gotten rid of recently) with the birth of another child. It’s apparent that his original parents still care about him from the cryptic pin on the suitcase which reveals their feelings. In short, it seems that the letter Maren received from his little brother bothered him since he thought that his parents abandoned him. In reality, his parents saw greater opportunity abroad for him. Given his injured leg, they saw that new parents will unlock his potential so that he can overcome his injuries. Aside from that, it’s pretty straight forward.
In short, I feel that Haruchika continues to be lackluster. Sure, I feel that Miyoko is more of a cute girl compared to Chika in this episode, Haruta is still a very unlikable character. Sure, I have low expectations coming into this episode, but I still hope it will get better somehow. It took awhile for Hyouka to become great, so maybe it is one of those types of shows although this show is not nearly as good in comparison.
Very lackluster indeed. My thoughts are basically the same as the last paragraph you wrote. I just hope it gets better too.
The last few episodes were meh, but given that there is nothing else to watch, I still think there is still time for it improved, but it’s still far from becoming a disaster like Glasslip, which is perhaps the most disappointing show from the studio.
Do you know what the name of the girl with the euphonium/baritone is? She kinda looks like my OC. :3