At last, we finally dive into Mai’s past. Is Mai a shy girl that she said she was or is she hiding something?
From the looks of it, it seems that the phantom Mai, Reina and Haruhiko faces look like humans. I have to admit that this episode was a good change of pace since there was less fanservice compared to the first two episodes and we finally get some character development for Mai.

From the looks of it, it seems that Mai doesn’t have a good grasp of her childhood memories. She thinks that she is a shy and timid girl. When I heard this, there is a good possibility that she can’t recall it, even after she saw the two phantoms. Yep, they were pretty strong and Mai simply couldn’t beat the duo on her own. In short, they retreated and tried another plan by transferring some memories over to Haruhiko so he can borrow her fighting skills.
While Mai and Haruhiko relives her past together, it’s very apparent that she isn’t a shy and timid girl. What timid girl would watch a shounen action movie and go rock climbing? To me, it gives me some hints that Mai is actually an energetic and active girl during her childhood, especially when she knows a good amount of martial arts skills.

After Mai and Haruhiko retraced their steps and managed to share their memories with each other, it seems that my observations were correct. Mai is not a timid girl after all, but rather she bullied two phantoms during her preschool years because she just wanted to have fun. In short, the two phantoms that were bullied trained hard so that someday, they can avenge against Mai for what she did. It’s understandable since strength is one of the ways someone can push away a bully.

While Mai’s and Haruhiko’s combination attack allows them to win against them, it seems that the phantoms finally admit defeat and promises a rematch against her in the future. In short, we finally know about how Haruhiko’s mind sharing works and what effect phantoms have on memories. It seems that Mai wanted to forget out it given that she completely changes her interpretation of her childhood memories. Aside from that, it seems that a twin-tailed middle school student, Kurumi got impressed by her fighting skills and might join the team next time. Not only that, it seems that Reina is jealous over Haruhiko hogging Mai to himself or something else. Is it because of her loneliness? We’ll find out soon enough.
My Reina is super cute this week. I love it! The show remains consistent at what they do best. Hopefully there is something new to spice it all up a bit.
I agree that she is very cute and she continues to be an interesting character. especially in the next episode.