It is that time of year again, it’s time to share my 12 anime moments for this year, a tradition I do every year. Since I am busy with work, I decide to do it in one shot.
12. Dog Days Double Dash – Sharu, Another Badass Cutie?

The third season of Dog Days may not as exciting compared to the second season, but there is new character I find cute and badass. Yep, it’s Sharu, who is a horse girl that protects the Dragon Forest. She knows how to use a bow and arrow skillfully. Although she is powerful, it’s such a shame that she only shows up in the first and last three episodes since I would have like to see her participate in some war games. moreover it seems that she also shows some interest in Shinku as well. Maybe next time if there is a fourth season of Dog Days.
11. Kantai Collection – Ship Girls Galore

Sure, there is a lot of controversy on how the studio handled the production since there were some things that some people didn’t like. However, I have to admit that while the show is flawed aside from not playing the game beforehand, it was enjoyable seeing various ship girls go against the Abyssal fleet.
While I enjoyed most of the characters including the ones that are very popular such as Shimakaze (which nowadays gets overshadowed by Kashima), Akizuki Sisters and maybe Yuudachi, I also enjoyed the underdog story of Fubuki becoming a better ship girl as she does her best with the help of her friends. Sure, some of the things such as Kisaragi being sunk could be avoided if the Admiral was a bit more competent. Otherwise, the character development and the ship fights were enjoyable and I can’t wait for the Vita port as long it doesn’t get delayed forever.
10. Charlotte – The Most Controversial Show of the Year?

Jun Maeda did it again! While Charlotte had an interesting premise along with some improvements over Angel Beats, he still manages to make the story feel rushed. Sure, there was a lot of good moments such as Yuu’s down spiral after he lost his younger sister after she used her collapse ability, but there were some not so good moments.
Sadly, the 11th episode left a nasty feeling in my stomach by how badly executed it was. Not only the gangsters came out of nowhere, Yuu screwed up badly by losing his time traveling abilities as a girl slashes one of his eyes while Kumagami gets tortured by the gangsters and eventually killed after Yuu used his collapse ability without any self-control.
While the final episode was ridiculous and enjoyable, it wasn’t enough to reverse the nasty taste in most viewer’s eyes including mine. Even up to this day, people are still debating if this show is good or not just like with Angel Beats. To me, Jun Maeda should probably stick to visual novels instead of making 1 cour anime. He is simply not cut out for it.
9. Prisma Illya 2wei Hertz – Mimi is Awakened

While the second part of 2wei Hertz is enjoyable with slice of life comedy as Rin and the others find the last card, it was slightly underwhelming. Of course, there is one scene I find hilarious and it’s the wakening of Mimi. When she saw Kuro and Illya transfer energy by kissing, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Since she can’t write a good story with two girls, she gender-bends the characters to be male and Suzuka uses her script. In other words, things went down from there. Although Illya, Kuro and Miyu witness Mimi becoming a Fujoushi, thankfully she still accepts two girl relationships, which is nice.
8. Nisekoi 2 – Haru, Best Girl in Nisekoi?

Probably the best part of the Nisekoi 2 was the best girl (aside from Marika) finally showing up in the second half. Yep, it’s Kosaki’s little sister, Haru and she is feisty. She is cold towards Raku because he saw her underwear accidentally. Ironically, Haru eventually develops feelings for him at the same time, even though Kosaki is in love with him too.
Still, I find Haru better compared to Kosaki since she is more up front with her feelings. Hopefully the next season will show more moments with her and Raku.
7. Danmachi – Hestia Mania
Danmachi might have a somewhat lackluster ending due to Bell being way too overpowered, Hestia probably got the most fame mostly due to her cheerful personality and namely, her outfit. Because of her outfit, which consists of a white dress and a ribbon underneath her breasts that artists started to draw other characters wearing it. Sure, the adaptation does not quite live up to the source material, but Hestia and her outfit is probably the thing that most people will remember the show by.
6. First False DMCA Claim
It’s clear that anime production companies want to fight piracy and it’s their right to do so. Sadly, I got slapped with a DMCA claim for writing a review. Apparently, a company on Dasuki (a legal streaming site) removed two search results that were for episode reviews of Idolmaster Cinderella Girls. Eventually, I complained while filing counter notices and they noticed shortly after.
Thankfully, the issue got resolved, but it just demonstrates how dangerous policies like SOPA/PIPA/TPP are as any company can potentially censor content, even if it’s protected under fair use.
5. Fate stay Night Unlimited Blade Works – Shirou vs Gilgamesh
Despite how annoying Shirou might be given that he won’t let go his ideal of saving everyone and wanting to become a hero of justice, he eventually faces himself since Archer is a future version of himself. Basically, Shirou becomes badass after he catches up to Archer in terms of his own powers. When he faced Gilgamesh, it seems that Gilgamesh decided to underestimate Shirou after Rin lent her some mana while being overconfident that he got defeated, thus preventing the grail from doing damage to the city. Still, there is no denying that Ufotable’s version of Unlimited Blade Works is better than Deen’s, especially when Luviagelita shows up in the epilogue!
4. Hibike Euphonium – The Special Moment with Reina and Kumiko
I have to admit that Hibike Euphonium brings me a lot of memories I had in concert band during high school. While the music and development is great, Kumiko and Reina caught my eye particularly. Although Kumiko thinks that Reina is mad at her, they eventually warm up to each other, especially in the 8th episode, which is the most memorable in my opinion. They go up to a summit to play a duet together while Reina saying things like “wanting to peel the good girl skin” off Kumiko while they went up the hill. Moreover, she also slides her finger from Kumiko’s forehead to her nose, which also suggests that they might have romantic feelings for each other.
To me, it’s a lovely scene nonetheless although they show more hints in the 11th and 13th episodes. With that, it makes me wonder if their relationship will develop further in the movie or in the second season. I guess time will tell.
3. Shirobako – Shizuka’s Suffering Finally Ends

Just like my despair in getting a lot of “not referred” letters after I applied for many jobs, it seems that Shizuka got the short end of the stick compared to her friends. She had an extremely difficult time finding her first role, let alone a minor one. Sure, it’s sad to see her suffer as she stares at the TV with a young voice actor appearing on a variety show. Eventually, things get better for her.
When she got a role through a miracle, I was happy that she finally got the foot in the door, which allows her to further her dream. It feels like when I finally got a job offer in late spring. It just shows that one shouldn’t give up hope and keep trying, the opportunity will eventually come.
2. Idolmaster Cinderella Girls – Anastasia and Minami, best couple?

Sure, Cinderella Girls has a lot of enjoyable moments despite having a few flaws, especially in the second half, there is one couple that stand out the most. Sure, Kirari and Anzu is cute, but that couple is Anastasia and Minami. It’s not so surprising since they are always together. It seems that their friendship has flourished thanks to Minami’s support as she holds hands with Anastasia before they walk on stage for their first performance. Despite their unit being put on hiatus as Anastasia peruses her career as a solo in the second half, I’m glad that Minami still supports her like a best friend would.
1. Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?? – Mocha Arrives!
Like the first season, the second season has a lot of cute moments. Of course, Mocha, Cocoa’s older sister finally showing up probably top all the cute moments in the second season combined. She is the ideal older sister that Cocoa looks up to as a role model. Not only that, she can put on a disguise without being noticed. Not only that, the alluring aspect of her is her urge to cuddle other girls, especially Cocoa’s friends. This causes Cocoa to become upset, which is funny to look at. Not only that, she believed that Aoyama is a prankster before realizing she is the author of the books Mocha loves.
While it’s sad that she only shows up for two episodes, it was nice to see her around in the time she was there. Hopefully, she will show up when Cocoa decides to bring her friends to where her family lives in the future.
With that, this concludes the 12 Days of Anime for this year and I hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas. While I will be online, I will resume blogging on Saturday as I wrap up all the fall anime along with sharing my top 10 Anime for this year.
What are your thoughts about the moments I shared for this year? Feel free to share them.
“losing his time traveling abilities as a girl slashes one of his eyes”
The funny thing is, this was never mentioned, not even hinted, but I guess maybe the hint’s from how “glowy” his eyes are whenever he uses the power? Still could be handled better tho.
And as for UBW, I like it :p Not even sure why it got so much hate, and yeah, that finale is great and gives the whole story a more conclusive feel rather than just ending it right where the VN did.
To make matters worse, we don’t even know who is that girl that done it or whether or not she has special powers… Even so, there are a good number of things that were left unanswered unfortunately.
I think some people hate UBW mostly because of Shirou since he is the character that everyone likes to hate. Considering that Archer is basically Shirou, but in the future, its easy to see why, although the adaptation of the said arc was very good.