After Akari’s big win from last time as her friends throw a party for her, it seems that Kirin and Raika feel uneasy about each other, especially when it comes to admitting their true feelings.

For a while now, it seems that the love between Raika and Kirin is strong. Although Raika seems to deny her feelings for Kirin somewhat like a tsundere would since she initially refused Kirin’s Amica challenge a few episodes back before going along with it and lost, I like how she dreamt of marrying Kirin and when they about to kiss, Kirin gets taken away by Riko and she goes all lovey dovey over her. Not only that, Raika has a picture of Kirin in her bed room and she shows signs of jealousy when Riko tickles and later hugs Kirin.

From the looks of it, there is no doubt that Raika is in complete denial when it comes to having romantic feelings for Kirin. It’s obvious that she likes her, but can’t admit her feelings. This is apparent when she denies Kirin’s request to be a substitute instructor for derringer training in CVR. In fact, she had to get Akari to say that she wants to do it. In short, she can’t deny it no longer since it’s already obvious.

While it’s understandable why Kirin might feel uneasy about losing Raika to Akari, which is unlikely since Akari seems to be more obsessed over Aria instead, I’m glad that they are finally making their feelings official. Aside from Kirin hitting Raika’s weaknesses with her training cute girls in CVR on how to use a derringer with the girls inviting her to the CVR training room afterwards, they got her cornered. With Kirin wearing a cute dress along with her friends, she got Raika to confess her true feelings after being indecisive about it for a while. Yep, cute girls wearing cute outfits things was super effective in getting Raika to stop denying her true feelings.

As the relationship between Raika and Kirin becomes official, there were a few interesting developments. It seems that Urara is not treating Akari like crap anymore and gives her a gift for winning. Still, it seems that she has unfinished business with Shino, which will the basis of the next episode. I wonder what will be about. Not only that, it is revealed that Akari is indeed Aria’s only friend since Aria is mostly a loner.
Aside from that, it’s unfortunate that the scaffolds falling at the construction site is treated as a mere accident. It’s somewhat apparent that Riko is trying to reveal Akari’s hidden powers so that she can try to snatch her from Aria. Either way, we’ll definitely find out about her motives towards the end.
Told you they’d be the show’s top stars. Also canon FTW! As Vampko brought up over at my place it’s nice to have two girls loving each other rather than the usual “hints”, “more than friends, less the lovers” or “one-sided” tropes softcore yuri adders add to shows that don’t explicitly have yuri tags in them. Again, RaiKiri/KirAi FTW!
I REALLY hope Kirin wasn’t wearing a push-up bra. Oh sweet jeebus.
I think it’s a good thing that it’s a more upfront couple. From the start, it’s noticeable that they are already more than just friends… Raika just needs to stop being so tsundere when it comes to it since she can’t really deny it anymore…
Still, I won’t be surprised by the thing you mentioned. After all, her former Amica was Mine Riko.
Hoping for a beach episode since Cinderella Girls sadly didn’t give us one.
Maybe there will be one for the OVA since the main series had an extra episode, but we’ll see.
I will gleefully watch it. You know how I love me seeing beautiful women blessing viewers with their bodies and fashion sense…at least you understand my reasons are not solely for raging otaku boner implementations.