At last, Mocha, Cocoa’s older sister has finally arrived. Will Cocoa completely lose her big sister status as she feared?

At a glimpse, it’s not so surprising that Mocha has similar traits as her younger sister, Cocoa. Sure, she got lost on her way to the Rabbit House despite having a map since she got distracted by a cute rabbit. Not only that, she doesn’t recognize that Aoyama, the person she just met was the one that wrote “The Barista Who Became a Rabbit”, even after Aoyama told her. She thought that Aoyama was pulling a prank, which is very funny.

Moreover, I find it funny that she and Cocoa thought of the same idea of disguising themselves to have the other person think that it’s someone else and then reveal themselves afterwards so that they can have an emotional hug as a reunion. Sadly, it didn’t work for Mocha aside from Cocoa being absent since she came off as a drug dealer of some type, which causes Rize to become suspicious, more so when Mocha took out a bag of flour. As for Cocoa, her disguise was instantly blown, but it is still heart warming to watch them hug each other, even if it is embarrassing for Cocoa since her friends are witnessing her losing older sister status. Not only that, they also do the “Leave everything to your older sister” thing, which is cute.

I have to admit that Mocha is a very enjoyable character. Not only she is mature and more like an older sister than Cocoa, she is very energetic. It shows when she decides to pet Chino, Tippy and eventually Rize. It seems that Rize couldn’t overcome Mocha’s charm that she started blushing, especially when she got hugged by her. I guess the only thing that can really stop this force would be actually shooting her, but I highly doubt she would do that. Yep, Mocha’s older sister charm is a force not to be reckoned with.

Aside from that, I felt that Cocoa has grown a lot since she came to that town. While her friendship with Chiya and Sharo shows as they comfort her by doing their own sister chant, which got imitated by Mocha, Rize and Chino, it seems that Cocoa managed to outdo her older sister with the Latte Art in the end. Mocha was surprised that her little sister can do something like this.

In the end, it seems that Mocha is staying for a while, which means that Cocoa’s older sister status is still under threat of being taken away completely. Either way, it will be nice to learn more about her aside from what we learn from this episode since she is an enjoyable character. Still, I feel bad that Chino got left out, but it’s understandable since Cocoa and Mocha are sisters after all. Makes me wonder how Mocha will react when she sees Megu and Maya, possibly next time.
Mocha-Sama will save us all from evil.
Yep, her older sister charm will definitely heal us all.
Mocha just took the no.1 spot 😀
Yep, and it seems that Cocoa has a lot of things to learn from her to becoming a better older sister.
Oneechan used pat!
It’s super effective!
Yep, her charm is so powerful that it can cause anyone to faint.