After things took a turn for the worse for Shunsuke, it’s time for Plan B, which is something I have been thinking all along.
From the looks of things, I felt that this episode was a good recovery from the so-called train wreck from last time. At least Yuu made it out alive aside from losing one of his eyes while taking some time to recover. I have to say that his friends are very supportive of him with Yusa and Joujirou bringing him food and even spoon-feeding him. Sure, he was distraught at first, but at least he calmed down as he begins to recover and appreciate that he survived the ordeal.

Aside from that, the spotlight is really on Yusa in this episode. In general, she didn’t get much character development along with Joujirou (which his past remains a mystery). However, I think Yuu suggesting her to see her parents was a good thing as she as Misa was able to resolve her differences with her parents before she leaves for good. While her letter that she left for Yusa to read after Yuu took both of their powers away was heartwarming, it just shows that Misa genuinely cares about her little sister and her parents despite not being around. Although her farewell is somewhat saddening because she is an enjoyable character, probably more so than Yusa, I’m glad that she took Yuu’s advice. Otherwise, Yusa would feel heartbroken if she found out that Misa is no longer with her.

Lastly, it seems at Yuu has a liking for Nao and decides to take her suggestion of taking everyone’s powers now that a vaccine is now complete. Yep, you know it’s coming considering that Yuu can no longer time leap anymore. This pretty much leaves him with plan B: take everyone’s power before the terrorists do. This makes me wonder, can he accomplish all of this without Kumagami? Since there is probably another person with a similar ability like his in one of those terrorist groups, it’s quite obvious that he can steal one of these abilities, thus making his job easier.

While I have a feeling that things will get rushed in the end, at least we know there will be a decent ending although the show will most likely be forgettable like Angel Beats because of its flaws. Do I think he will manage to get all the powers within two years? Yes, considering that this is basically mission impossible and Jun Maeda will simply make the impossible possible. Still, I think that Nao will be the only memorable aspect of the show, especially her reactions towards Yuu’s confessions since it was so hilarious. To me, she will always be better than Yuri in my book.
Most of the pacing was nice for Charlotte, so I think they will figure something out for the last episode and make it feel not that rushed. I just think we won’t get those happy ending kinda ending though. Maybe a tearjerker sort of ending? Maybe. Just thinking about it makes me sad, but I do hope it will be a nice one.
It will be an interesting finale, although a few episodes has left me with mixed feelings. I do think the show will have some kind of happy or bittersweet ending, but I wonder if Yuu will manage to accomplish his mission.
Seems like mission impossible for me, like you said, but it will at least be interesting to see how he goes about it.
Aside from the spoilers since the last episode already aired, it seems that it’s not so impossible after all. Certainly, it wasn’t easy either.