It can’t be that simple, right?
From what we know about last time, Shunsuke can time leap. Aside from wiping Yuu’s and Ayumi’s memories, we find out from the visions that he is the one that coordinated the efforts to protect the ability welders by gathering as many of them as he can, build a huge coffer of money and eventually buy a school, which will protect them with the intention to build an empire of schools for the same purpose. Thankfully, his power is not limitless since he eventually became completely blind, thus making it impossible for him to use his time traveling ability ever again. It’s a good tradeoff or otherwise, he will be overpowered.
I have to say that I am impressed by the amount of effort he put into protecting as many ability welders as possible from those evil scientists, despite missing a couple. Still, the question remains on how he will maintain his efforts considering that the powers will disappear after adolescence. Will Shunsuke have a successor plan in mind to have others do the same if he can’t have his members maintain their powers? I guess this is something one can speculate about.

As for the plan to save Ayumi, I have to admit that it was too perfect. Since Yuu now knows that he can use his abilities to take others, he basically took Shunsuke’s time leap ability. Once he stolen Ayumi’s collapse ability so it can never be used, he devised a plan to scare the crap out of Konashi and it worked perfectly. Yep, she definitely learned a lesson not to pick a fight with Ayumi’s older brother ever again.
I have to admit that while people doesn’t seem to like deus ex machina since time traveling can be considered as one, I am glad that Yuu didn’t forget about his downward spiral from the seventh episode after the time leap. While it is not perfect since it took some impact away from the last couple episodes and trivialized it, will everyone start coming up with speculation of Yuu stealing every power in order to prevent the horrible fate?

Not so fast as this plan would not only make Yuu become a big target for the scientists, but perhaps the most dangerous person in the world since he has all these imperfect abilities he can use at his disposal. There is a good potential that he might become more powerful than God and I don’t think that God will allow that. Even so, it’s probably impossible for him to take all the abilities since nobody knows how many ability welders might be there in the wild.
Still, many mysteries remain regarding the abilities themselves along with other things, especially with the timeline. Is the timeline is really set in stone this time? Or maybe there is a possibility that Shunsuke still has his power and Yuu simply has to take it again for each time leap. Either way, it will be interesting to see some more things revealed before the show finally concludes.