Given that I have been busy during last month, awards posts keep piling up. I guess it’s time to play catch up and finally do them all. With that, I will do the Creative Blog Award first, which OG-Man happened to nominate me where you share five facts about yourself.
1. To start off, I have been pretty lucky and did not end up like the other people in my generation. The millennial generation compared to others had a very difficult time finding a job in their field of study and a good amount of people end up being underemployed or unemployed and having to rent or live with a roommate. I am probably the only person on my mothers and perhaps my father side that currently have a good job as most of my cousins are in low paying jobs, still in college or do not have a job at all. In short, I do not have to rely on the so-called “sharing economy” where most people from my generation do not own anything, which is pretty useless since I do not live in a big city.
I think this is mostly contributed to my mother guiding me in the right place since I did not choose a major that is hard to find a job. Both of my degrees are computer related and as you can imagine, it is something that I am very interested in and good at since my childhood. Although I could never get an internship, I manage to get two job offers (one for a summer job in 2012 that I had to turn down and a full-time job, which is my current job) in the Federal Government. My sister is now working on her doctorial degree in Biomedical Engineering and I think she will have an easy time getting a job, although it seems that she is always busy with college work.

2. I spend most of my time at home and would rather spend my money on my hobby rather than on experiences. This remains true today as I rarely go out unless I go on vacation (which is usually once a year). I would rather save my money on my hobby and interests (aside from saving for retirement and for a rainy day) rather than waste money on eating out every day or going to concerts.
I guess there is a plus side to staying home since I can play video games, teach myself Japanese and do some programing besides watching anime and surfing the internet. In short, I basically have no fear of missing out because I usually do not care enough to become jealous over pictures of food and vacation photos on my Twitter timeline.

3. My musical tastes mostly consist of Japanese music nowadays. I just do not like most of the music that gets released in the west anymore since most of the music are either about stupid stuff, sound boring, or have horrible singing. Only like ten percent of the songs that get released sound good, meaning that I prefer older songs (mostly some rock songs, few pop and Michael Jackson songs).
These days, I listen to Japanese music, usually from voice actresses and most of the time, from various anime. This has been the case ever since I got broadband Internet. This is when I started listening to some music in Japanese from Pokémon. Of course, I didn’t know Japanese back then like I do now.
As for my favorite singers, I have shared my thoughts about them in the past. Some of the artists I talked about are: Lia, Sakamoto Mayaa, Mizuki Nana, Sphere, and Kalafina. Of course in recent years (around 2013), I started to enjoy Imai Asami’s singing since she has a nice voice with a good range after listening to one of her albums (Precious Sounds) that she made that is not Idolmaster related. I can also say the same for Hayami Saori after listening to her latest artist single debut, (やさしい希望). It makes me wonder why she took so long to debut as a singer. Oddly enough, I did compliment her singing talents in one of my music reviews several years back. Lastly, I like Uesaka Sumire’s singing as well after listening to Memories and listening to a good amount of her songs from her album. Her singing is pretty good for the most part.
4. I am still suffering from thyroid disease. I am somewhat unlucky in that regard since my thyroid out of nowhere started to become overactive. Since the thyroid is responsible for things like metabolism and other things, I lost about 10 pounds in 2010 to early 2011, thus making me become a little underweight while I had a hard time sleeping and paying attention in class. Not only that, my overactive thyroid also made me feel irritable and I felt angry in some instances before I got it treated.
While I have calmed down and feel better now that it’s under control, I would never consider radiation or surgery to take it out if it can heal itself since it’s an autoimmune disease. Maybe someday, it will go away.

5. I am great at computers. Aside from teaching myself Japanese and playing the piano along with the clarinet, which I’m decent at, I spend most of my time at a computer, even during my childhood aside from playing video games and watching television. This is because my grandmother who looked after us during our childhood did not allow us to play with toys. When I got Internet access through dialup, this is where I started spending my time after school. Also, I had my own Windows computer at the time, which is my mother’s old NEC. Before that, I used Apple computers, which could not go on the Internet because I didn’t know how to set up a dialup connection. Eventually, I went back to using Apple computers in 2006 after experiencing poor quality PC hardware for years. In short, I never went back to using Windows as my main operating system.
Nowadays, I know a lot more about computers since I got more powerful computers throughout the years aside from earning a bachelors and a master’s degree in computer related fields. I have used various operating systems (Mac OS X, Windows and Linux), played around with kinds of software, upgraded hardware and made software.
With that, I hope you enjoy learning some more things about me, anime related or not. I will share the remaining two nominations in the next post in the near future. Also, feel free to share your thoughts about some aspects of myself I decided to cover.
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