Apparently, Inami’s punch has special powers now…
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz – Episode 6

You might be wondering, where is the plot? This is what pretty much happened in this episode: Illya and Kuro goes to water plants, until they find Leysritt and Irisviel bathing in an inflatable pool. With that, you know Illyaand Kuro will eventually get wet when Irisviel pushes them into the pool. Of course, when Shirou shows up, hilarity ensues.
With the mansion finally rebuilt, the plot to find and capture the eighth card can finally get started. Apparently, the eighth card is located underground in a mirror world. In other words, it’s going to be very difficult to get there.
Aside from Kuro questioning Irisviel about the cards, which is pointless since she knows nothing about them, I wonder who is in the last card. I have a good feeling that it will be Gilgamesh. If so, the Illya, Miyu and Kuro are going to have a very difficult time, even with Bazett, Luvia and Rin helping them. Either way, it’s going to be an interesting fight.
Working!!! – Episode 9

You might be wondering if Inami actually punched someone or not? Sadly, she did and it happens to be Minegishi out of all people since he is a complete masochist. After he came to visit Souta, he thanks him for helping Kikuno resolve her differences with Aoi. Also, he reveals that Souma was the one that give him the letter. Yep, it seems that Souma is up to his usual tricks to get Souta progress his relationship with Inami.
Of course, the scene that caught my attention is when Minegishi grabbed Inami’s wrist, causing her to punch him. Yep, it’s a combo breaker right? Not really since he is a masochist after all. Then again, her punch allowed him to make up with his ex-wife, Kazue and that is very surprising at the very least, especially since Inami’s punch made that possible.
Still, it’s not surprising that Haruna is still stealthy, especially when she is chained to the chair. Thankfully, she didn’t escape the restaurant and got lost again, or otherwise, Otoo will be sad again.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings
- Charlotte – 8
- Idolmaster Cinderella Girls – 20
- Working – Episode 8
- Prisma Illya 2wei Herz – 5
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