As Ayumi comes down with a cold, it seems that things are finally getting serious.
As predicted, Ayumi has a supernatural ability just like her older brother since the student council found out that she is their next target. Still, I have to admit that Ayumi is still cute, even when she is sick. When Yusa shows up, she got a nosebleed from just seeing her from the excitement. I guess Joujirou is not the only person who is a big fan of Yusa after all. There is no wonder why Nao and Yuu did not want to take him to visit Ayumi and tried to push him outside a window and send him to the hospital afterwards. Have to admit that I kind of feel bad for him, but at the same time, he kind of deserves it from his over-obsession.

Aside from that, it’s time for the more serious stuff. It seems that Ayumi enjoys her time at school and didn’t want to stay in bed after her fever subsided. She apparently sneaks out to school, probably for revenge of having her pizza sauce taken away. While she gets along with her classmates most of the time, it seems that Konishi is mad over her trying to go out with Oikawa, who she has a crush on.

Clearly, Ayumi does not have any interest in him, thus causing a big misunderstanding with Konishi trying to kill her with a cutter blade. In short, Ayumi used her “collapse” ability in order to protect herself, which basically collapses a building she is in. Yep, it’s such a dangerous ability. Still, I have a feeling that all of this could have been prevented if Konishi just accepted the fact that he was rejected and move on.

Aside from that, I have a feeling that Ayumi is still alive since someone probably saved her at the last-minute. That person might be Kumagami since he was seen at the end of the credits near the rubble. After this incident is over, I wonder how Ayumi’s classmates are going to react now that she has this potentially destructive ability. Will Konishi apologize over trying to hurt her with a cutter blade? We’ll see.