With the auditions on the horizon, there is the festival and it’s quite obvious which person Kumiko wants to takes out on a date for it.
I have to admit that having the festival before the auditions is a nice transition before the audition drama. Of course, this also means that there is Hazuki’s crush. She basically asks Shuuchi out and even confesses to him during the festival. As expected, it did not go well, mostly because he doesn’t have any feelings for her at all. Don’t worry, she still have Tubacabra. Aside from that, it’s clear that Kumiko doesn’t seem to have any interest in him as she gives a flat-out rejection and decides to go out with Reina instead. Yep, it’s already clear where this is going.

I was surprised by how fast the relationship between Reina and Kumiko developed in a short period of time. In the beginning, they were somewhat distant. Now, they are pretty close as seen with Reina saying suggestive things to Kumiko such as wanting to peel the good-girl skin off her. Of course, the best part happens at the summit when Reina admits that she sees something special in Kumiko and of course touches her lips afterwards. That scene feels like a love confession. Still, it’s nice to see them have some bonding time. I won’t be surprised if there’s more, especially if both of them pass the auditions, which is a high possibility. Even so, their duet sounded nice nonetheless. Sure, people will still think that Shuuchi will win Kumiko’s heart, but I highly doubt it considering how uninterested she is towards him. Not only that, Kumiko acts flustered when she is around Reina, but not at all with Shuuchi.

As a whole, I have to admit that I enjoyed this episode quite a lot, especially for the fact that Reina haven’t receive much character development until now. It will be interesting to see her develop even further as more of Kumiko’s past is revealed. Still, I have to admit that Sapphire’s little sister looked very adorable.
With that, the auditions are the focus of the next episode with the last two episodes possibly focusing on the nationals. I have a feeling that they won’t be fit much of the nationals in the last few episodes without rushing it, but we’ll see.
Half-optimistic about this one. On the one hand KyoAni could do the right thing and have events progress as they should and make history. On the other hand…it’s KyoAni…the mainstream pandering wussies. I won’t board the SS KumiRei just yet. I will watch events unfold first in the hopes that the ship will sail a successful voyage to Couples Lake.
Oh and as I said before mini-Sapphie’s cuteness is lethal.
We’ll see, but of course judging from what I saw, I doubt the childhood friend will win. If they leave it without romantic relationship developing any further for anyone, I wouldn’t mind as nobody will be disappointed.
Yep, Kohaku is cute although she looks so familiar.
A no romance end simply means waves of yuri doujins which also works.
Reina is the best! *nods approvingly*
Yep, she is one of a kind.