Shirou and Archer finally starts fighting each other to see whose ideals are right.
I have to admit that while the fighting is nice, it seems that Shirou has digressed quite a bit in the last few episodes. Especially since everyone knows that Archer is basically a future version of himself, it’s somewhat annoying to see both of them argue over their ideals of being a hero of justice, an ideal that he inherited after Kiritsugu died that he refuses to give up as shown in a flashback.
In an essence,Shirou is going down the same path as Archer, the person who he hates just because he is against his ideals that is not possible to achieve. No matter what, it’s just impossible to save everyone because of the nature of mankind. Therefore, he needs to face reality once and for all. Just asRin said a few episodes back, he will just become an emotionless machine without the ability to enjoy one’s life if he doesn’t stop going down that path. Either way, I guess he will learn it the hard way.

On the other front, while Lancer appears to be dying, I’m glad that he gave the justice that Kirei deserved. To save Rin, he basically killed Kirei with his remaining strength and stabbed him in the heart. Yep, justice is served, considering that he was the one that killed Rin’s father. In addition, he also scared Shinji away and saved Rin. Still, while it’s sad to see Lancer die like that, I guess things would be better if he had a better master.

With Shirou finally healed from the wounds that Archer dealt before the end of the episode, this is where the final battle begins. This reminds me, where is Gilgamesh anyways? Also, I wonder how they will adapt the mana-connecting scene with Rin and Shirou. We will find out soon enough.
I have a feeling they’ll use RN’s dolphins for the mana scene.
I won’t be surprised either, but I can’t wait to see how they will do that scene.