With Rin and Shirou now prepared, will they finally defeat Caster once and for all?
I have to admit that Lancer put off a very good fight despite being short. It seemed like Archer had a somewhat difficult time trying to beat him. Still, Lancer managed to break through all of his shields, which used up most of Archer’s mana reserves. It just shows how overpowered he is. Of course, this also means that the final stages of the Grail War will become difficult since Shirou or Rin will have to face him off in a future fight.

On the other hand, I felt that Rin and Shirou put off a good fight. Although Shirou had a tough fight with Kuzuki, at least he was not annoying as he continues to trace those swords. As for Rin, sure she wasted a lot of gems since she couldn’t land a hit on Caster, but at least it bought enough time to deal with her weak point. Yep, Rin used the same martial arts just like the one Kirei used against Kiritsugu in Fate/zero and it was very effective considering that the Caster class is physically weak. In other words, Rin’s attack was enough to almost defeat Caster, until Archer betrayed her and finished her off by himself.

As a whole, this was a great episode as Rin and Shirou managed to defeat Caster once and for all. Still, I wonder about Archer since his true identity remains a mystery. Not only he failed to kill Shirou on the spot, he uses the same tracing magic as him to do so. We will probably find out more about him in the next few episodes as we reach the final stages of the Grail War. Even so, his attempt to kill him comes at no surprise considering that he doesn’t like Shirou’s ideals one bit.
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