If you didn’t know, today is Maekawa Miku’s birthday, which lands on “Cat Day” in Japan since two in Japanese almost sound like a cat when said consecutively. Yep, I just learned something new…
Dog Days Double Dash – Episode 7

After Leo defeated Leaf from last time, Nanami, Noire, Jaune and Vert decides to take him on a tour of all three kingdoms. At one point, we got to see Leaf and Nanami have a recreational fight with each other, which leads to a tie with both of them getting knocked out. I have to admit that his fighting skills are impressive considering his age.
Aside from that, most of the episode was mundane until towards the end when Adel finally starts revealing her past along with the last princess in Pastillage, who resembles Cou. Maybe we will finally learn how Adel came to Flonyard and the powers she gained next time. Still, I really miss Sharl and hopefully she will come back soon when she comes to visit Shinku.
Shirobako – Episode 19

At last, Yano finally returns after being absent for a long time. She manages to find someone to do the episode direction for the fifth episode. That person is Iketani Hiroshi who was reluctant to do so at first. Of course, that was not the main pull of the episode as the second half intrigued me more when Marukawa takes Aoi to the storage building. That building used to house the now bankrupted Muashino Animation where he used worked at as the production manager.
While I knew that the coloring was done with paint during the olden days, the scene where they worked on the blizzard scene gave me a new perspective on the type of work PA Works lives and dies on, background art by showing the chances Ookura done to the blizzard scenery from his near death situation. Given the work he has done since then and the background for Third Aerial Girls Squad, there is no wonder why Aoi was moved by his work after she learned that he worked on the backgrounds for Andres Chucky. It just shows how much passion people put into creating an animation despite some of the difficulties they face.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings
- Idolmaster Cinderella Girls
- Shirobako
- Kantai Collection
- Dog Days Double Dash
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