At last, it’s the big day has come with the New Generation and Love Laika making their first debut. Did the Producer made the right decisions?

Looking back on their debut, it seemed that the girls were excited and nervous at first. Sure, Anya was slightly nervous before performing on stage, but at least she has Minami by her side. Even so, I have to admit that they look really pretty in their outfits, especially Anya. It’s too bad that their performance got jumbled in with the New Generation. It would be nice if they shown each unit’s performances individually, but I guess they couldn’t fit it in a single episode.

On the other hand, it seems that Mio, our energetic leader of New Generation got really upset at the producer after their performance. When she ask him if it’s okay to invite her friends and he said yes, I knew something bad was going to happen. In contrast to Anya and Minami being very happy that there was an audience, Mio on the other hand was very upset. She expected a crowd, but in reality, the audience was probably 1/24th the size of that.

Obviously, she set expectations way too high. The sad thing is that she decided to quit being an idol because of it. This was something that could have been prevented if the Producer conveyed his words properly. Either way, will Mio’s outburst play out the same way like Miki? Perhaps considering that she still has ambitions of becoming an idol.

On the other hand, I felt that Mio’s outburst finally revealed one of the fatal flaws the Producer has. While the one from the main series was inexperienced, at least he knows how to communicate when the girls have a problem. Not only that, he is always with them while they are working instead of being a hermit and sit in the office all day long.
In comparison, the Cinderella Girls’ Producer may have a lot of experience under his belt and it shows by the amount of planning he put into preparing their debut, he just doesn’t know how to communicate properly. If I was in his shoes, I would have told the girls first hand that they are just starting and that the performance was meant to catch other people’s attention and build popularity. Sadly, he used the wrong words by saying, “it’s natural” to Mio’s question. As a result, he just made the problem worse. To me, he comes off as being way too cold towards Mio. Given that she is the leader of the unit, not only having Mio quit will ruin his reputation, it’s devastating for the whole project as a whole. Of course, he can’t afford to lose her. This is why I have a good feeling that he will try to convince her to come back the same way as the other Producer.
Judging by his reaction, it makes me wonder if he experienced the same kind of trauma in the past. Did he react the same way? Aside from that, hopefully he will set things straight next time and perhaps understand why he should be with the girls more often so that he can actually listen to their concerns. From this, maybe he can learn how to convey his words properly and show some emotion so that he doesn’t come off as being insensitive.

GAAAH I feel sorry for everyone DX!
Mio has basically had her dreams ruined and to her, she’s disapointed her friends for not having a crowd and all
Producer…oh god Producer-san, I feel so so so so so sorry for him, he always tries his best and I feel as if he was trying to be incouraging to her but in the end, he couldn’t cause afterall..he’s not her, he couldn’t understand her feelings so he choose to say something that would make him feel better in this situation…but it wasn’t him in the situation, it was Mio…
I felt that the producer obviously hard a hard time communicating for the fact that the girls are still rookies. If Mika shared her experience when she debuted the first time, perhaps it would have prevented this misunderstanding that caused Mio to set her expectations unrealistically high even if the performance was a success. If you see Anya and Minami, they seemed happy by the outcome, which shows that it’s probably best to start off small. Then again, trio units in general is difficult to gain attention, which is why the Producer decided to have the three as backup dancers knowing full well that it might cause trouble down the road.
Sure, Mio has herself to blame for causing this outburst, but it seems that the producer is also at fault as well for not explaining himself clearly enough. Maybe if he gave a full explanation what they should expect, perhaps it wouldn’t happen. Still, I’m expecting that Mio will get over it just like Miki did in the main series.
Ever since the first episode, I always find it odd how Producer, despite being a high authority figure, is so awkward with communications (for the record, I made some jokes on twitter dubbing him as “robot producer”). But he seems to be more strong on the professional/business side of things. “This might be an issue later on” I thought, and episode 6 proved me right, though I didn’t expect it to be of such dramatic level. Mio herself (I’m expecting Rin as well, judging from her glare) expected too much out of a mini concert, but like I said, Producer was in the wrong too due to his miscommunication.
Forgot to add this. Coincidentally, both Rin and Mio are of the same age, while Uzuki is two years older than them. That, and adding to the fact that Uzuki is very used to failures, I think she will take this in a more mature way.. Well, still hard to say until the next episode airs…
Also made something wrong in my first comment. When I said “(I’m expecting Rin as well, judging from her glare) expected too much out of a mini concert”, I actually meant Rin seems to be on Mio’s side in the argument, not because she expected too much out of the concert. Wish I can go back and edit it, lol.
Sorry about the lack of edit functionality. I had to take it out since it was not compatible with the Wordpess comments.
Looking back on the main series, I do see a lot of similarities and of course, Mio and Miki. Although their situations are different (Miki wanting to quit because she couldn’t get into Ryuugu Komachi, although in the game, she loses her motivation to remain an idol because she got beaten by them until the Producer convinces her not to quit), they are around the same age where it would affect them the most. Like said earlier, I felt that the Producer’s lack of good communication is going to kick him in the butt and it did.
Sure, Mio was in the wrong somewhat, but for the fact that he did not keep the girls in the loop while he had them perform on stage with Mika and before this performance except for a few words, the producer obviously caused her to quit with an outburst. Miki’s case, at least in the Anime was due to a big misunderstanding, but of course this is not a misunderstanding we are talking about. It’s the lack of interaction and it shows since he doesn’t spend that much time with the girls. Even in the last episode, he seem to only glanced over the girls’ ideas for their debut before Miku staged a protest and things got out of hand.
Will I think Mio will come back? Absolutely because just like Miki, she will realize that she still wants to be an idol and probably causing trouble for the other girls by doing so. I wonder how the producer is going to fix the problem he caused by not explaining himself properly. Still, it’s quite funny that the passion (or visual) idols seems to be the ones that want to quit. Of course, I thought Miku was the one that was going to pull this “I’m going to quit” stunt, but I was proven wrong.
Not much to add that King Kai and the others already did. Mio set her expectations too high after getting a small taste of the big time and Producer-Titan needs to work on his communication skills. That was evident in episode 1 when I made the comment about real life producers not relying on fixed responses. That and the fact PT barely speaks were signs that he lacked in social skills.
For the most part I do agree for the fact that the producer did not talk about about the debut concert he intended for the three girls that Mio’s expectations were set too high by it. I think that he needs to work more on his communication skills for the fact that saying the wrong things can affect the girls’ performance and will..
Of course, Mio needs to take a look at the experiences the girls in Wake Up Girls… They have it alot worse than she does and of course, they also experience instances where they have hardly anyone coming to their concerts compared to this one.