It seems that Miku does not like the idea of Mio, Uzuki, Rin, Anya and Minami getting their debut first. What does she eventually do? Of course, Occupy!
From the beginning, we have seen Miku become jealous over Mio, Uzuki and Rin getting a chance to perform on stage as backup dancers in the third episode. Now, she highly disapproves the last decision the Producer made. This time, it’s over the mentioned main trio plus Anya and Minami receiving their CD debut first.

Given Miku’s jealousy, this misunderstanding was bound to blow up in the producer’s face since nobody actually knew when they where going to receive a debut. I felt that Mio, Uzuki and Rin receiving special treatment from him made the problem worse. It seems to me that he wanted to test the waters with the first wave before going on to the next rather than do it all at once and mess up badly.
Clearly, people don’t like being kept in the dark and it’s understandable why he didn’t reveal it since things were not set in stone yet. He just doesn’t want to deceive the girls by telling them incorrect information and then turn around and say that it’s not the case. Sadly, Miku didn’t understand this fact until the end.

Believe it or not, Miku becoming jealous over the five girls debuting first reminds me of Miki when she wanted to be a part of Ryuugu Komachi but got rejected in the main series. Still, I have to admit that she comes off as rather rude, especially towards the end when she staged a protest at a cafe. I have to give her some credit. At least she didn’t quit. If she actually done it, not only it would hurt the group’s morale, but also the producer’s reputation.

On the other hand, I have to admit that some of her attempts to ask for a debut were actually funny. Besides winning one of the games against Mio, I have to admit that Anya looked ridiculously cute when she wore cat ears and done the cat pose. As for the protest, it looked like a labor union protest with Miku, Rika and Anzu blocking the café’s opening to voice their demands. I have to admit that it was funny to see Anzu participating in it since it takes energy to rally. It seems that the potential of getting 8 days off a week motivated her to do so. Sadly, she ends up getting caught again by Kirari for the third time! Besides the debut issue, I don’t see why any of the girls want to unionize since everyone is treated well.
Thankfully the situation got defused before it escalated thanks to the producer clarifying what he intends to do. With that, I wonder how the debut will fare next time for the five girls who were selected in the first wave. I look forward to it.
Life was completed after Anya Cat graced my monitor.
Miku shined this week and Anzu once again failed to escape Kirari’s grasp. They’re set for life I’d say.
I admit that Anya is cute, especially given her white hair, but I still wonder how she will fare for the performance.
FYI; Almost all the voice actresses from Chuunibyou voices characters for Idolmaster CG (Ranko is voiced by Uchida Maaya, Anya is voiced by Uresaka Sumire and Akane is voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu)
We shall find out next week I suppose.
Anya with cat ears made my day
I have to agree, Anya already looked pretty, but with the cat ears, my nose already bleed from how cute she was.