In the past, I decided to do these types of questionnaire posts from other Anime bloggers to give a sense of what type of fan I am. Since a fellow Anime blogger, Overlord-G who is the author of The Yuri Nation decided to tag me, I will do it for fun.
1. When was the last time you went to a store containing anime?
To me honest, I never went to an actual store containing anime since I usually go buy them online at Rightstuf, but mostly ones that I really enjoy and want to own. Since I don’t really buy Anime DVDs/Blu-ray releases anymore, I mostly import CDs and Japanese video games from sites like CDJapan these days.
2. Do you usually watch anime online? On what website?
I haven’t bothered streaming anime online for the fact that I write about Anime several times a week and it’s difficult to take a screenshot of a video stream. Also, I would rather spend the money on related merchandise such as CDs and video games rather than subscribe to a site like Crunchyroll.
However, I have a Netflix subscription for the fact that my parents decided to cut the cord since Cable TV was getting too expensive thanks to sports that we don’t watch. Netflix has a good amount of older Anime series and I probably check it out if I really want to stream older series.
3. First Japanese word you learned from an anime?
Since I only had access to dubbed Anime back in the day, I can’t really recall any, but there is one that I learned from the internet during my childhood and it’s 可愛い(かわいい), which basically means cute.
Of course, my Japanese vocabulary grew since 2011. When I decided to teach myself Japanese back in fall of 2011, it’s only when I started to understand the Japanese language. Of course, people should know that learning Japanese from Anime is not great and you should learn from a textbook (plus, Japanese language video games and printed material is better suited for supplemental material than Anime).
As of now, I know about 4309 Japanese words well and about 1534 Kanji.
4. Best animation style in your opinion?
The best animation in my opinion obviously has to be Kyoto Animation. It’s quite obvious since their production quality is usually top-notch (aside from Studio Ghibli since Miyazaki always create top-notch movies). Basically, Haruhi, Kanon and Clannad are shows that regained my interest in Anime. While their recent shows did not impress me too much since 2013 with Amagi Brilliant Park being an exception, I still enjoyed the animation for most, but all of their shows.
Other studios that I am also impressed with (besides the ones I mentioned above) are PA Works and Madhouse Studios (with No Game No Life and Hanayamata). Studio Shaft is pretty interesting, but of course their animation quality tends to suffer due to time constraints, but tends to get addressed in the actual releases. As for the worst animation studio, that award has to go to Production IMS since they didn’t even try.
5. Best anime pet?
Botan from Clannad is probably my favorite anime pet, which is Kyou’s pet piglet.
6. What is the longest anime you’ve ever watched?
Fate/zero is currently the longest Anime I finished based on length and duration since it had a 1-hour first episode special. That Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works will most likely supersede that since it will probably have more 1-hour long episodes besides the three of them in the first half.
7. What is the shortest anime you’ve ever watched?
Excluding all specials, ONAs and one episode OVAs, Tamayura is currently the shortest Anime series I watched with only having two to three episodes.
8: What is your Favorite anime couple?

While I’m not too interested in shipping, but my favorite heterosexual couple has to be Fujibayashi Kyou and Okazaki Tomoya from Clannad. While I like the canon couple (Nagisa and Tomoya), I think Kyou and Tomoya make a better fit besides the fact that her arc is one of my favorites from the actual visual novel.
As for Yuri, well while I like Akemi Homura and Kaname Madoka from Madoka Magica, my actual favorite has to be Sakura Kyouko and Miki Sayaka. While it is canon (as if the TV series, movie and the video games made it obvious enough), it is also the most unlikely couple since their personalities are complete opposites with Kyouko being more tomboyish (complete with using mostly male speech) compared to Sayaka. I guess this pairing grew on me for the fact that Kyouko deeply cares about Sayaka as time went on and eventually develop feelings for her despite Sayaka turning into a witch. It’s kind of sad that their relationship didn’t get realized, but I heard that it got rectified in the third movie and obviously, the video game.
With that, I have answered all the questions. As for people I want to tag next, I don’t feel like doing so. If you want to do it, just answer the questions and link back to this post and I’ll add you… somehow.
- When was the last time you went to a store containing anime?
- Do you usually watch anime online? On what website?
- First Japanese word you learned from an anime?
- Best animation style in your opinion?
- Best anime pet?
- What is the longest anime you’ve ever watched?
- What is the shortest anime you’ve ever watched?
- What is your Favorite anime couple?
4309 Japanese words well and about 1534 Kanji
Wow, how’d you keep track of them? On/offline diary?
Fate/zero is currently the longest Anime I finished based on length and duration since it had a 1-hour first episode special.
First time I haven’t seen the usual suspects, the long-running anime
As for how I memorize vocabulary, I shared it in one of my posts on how I practice Japanese with video games. I basically record words I don’t know to a Onenote notebook and then import to Anki. Anki is an open source flash card program that automatically keeps track and spaces out what words to memorize. While I study every day, Anki does have a nifty feature to see how much facts are considered mature, young and learning.
I highly recommend Anki for those who are studying a language since it will determine what to memorize based on how well you know it opposed to guessing which cards to memorize each day.
Thanks for sharing and the recommendation, too!
What is it about Princess Latifa wearing erotic clothing that goes against my better judgment and makes me drool over a loli-esque character?
I’ll have to check out your “How I learned Japanese” post again to see how you did it because darn it all I am growing impatient with fan translations.
Hot twins with a cute pet pig. Wish I could meet a family like that sometime.
A fellow KyouSaya fan eh? Awesomesauce.
Great answers overall.
Well, I have outline some of the steps on how I practice Japanese with video games, but generally, it’s possible to learn it by using only internet resources as there free sites that will teach the grammar. To me, the Kana and the grammar was the easy part (more so if you know the SOV structure). Kanji, not so much.
Of course, that picture of Latifa is official artwork.