With Caster’s master nowhere to be found, Rin and Shirou continues their search.

It’s nice to see Rin trying to hide Shirou when they were investigating the whereabouts of Caster’s master. Of course, there is Shirou telling Issei to take off his clothing, which was very awkward. Sadly, that guy is back. Why they have to bring back Shinji? He is extremely annoying. Of course, Kirei encourages his idiotic behavior by giving him Gilgamesh. It’s not like he is going to listen to him anyway since he is uncontrollable. Even so, I wished that Shinji would just go away forever along with his grandfather since they are both jerks.
On the other hand, while Gilgamesh talking to Sakura and stalking Matou’s house seems very suspicious, I kind of have some idea who might be Caster’s master. If you recall several episodes back, Saber sensed magic with one of the homeroom teachers. From that, I think there is a good possibility that a teacher might be Caster’s master.

I still find it pretty cute that Saber wants to sleep by Shirou’s side and of course, want to learn more about his childhood. It seems that his dream of becoming a hero didn’t change whatsoever. Not only that, it’s interesting that Rin somewhat remembers being separated from Sakura in Fate/zero as she still worries about her. Either way, it seems that the two will finally confront Caster next time.
Curious to see how the “battle” between Saber and Kuzuki will get animated. That’s going to be interesting…*nods*
I would like to see another battle of that considering that the other episode, they pretty much cut it short and focused more on Archer vs Caster.