Finals are coming, so I’m going to be somewhat busy. The good news, I already beaten Pocket Monsters Omega Ruby and the full review is coming on Tuesday/Wednesday.
Now, for the Anime impressions.
Ore Twintail ni narimasu

I don’t know, but the animation budget just took a big hit in this episode. Despite that, it was still entertaining to see Souji, Aika and Erina face off against Dark Grasper. Yep, Dark Grasper is definitely overpowered, but it’s not impossible to defeat her.
Still, I don’t get why she fell in love with Thouars. The last episode revealed her love towards her, but why does she want to force glasses on her? Sure, she wants to overpower her love for glasses to the entire world, but I highly doubt that glasses affinity is dying since it’s a popular archetype in Anime. Even so, the funny thing about the whole thing is that after Tail Red combined the powers of Blue and Yellow to defeat her, she basically stole Anko’s/Dark Grasper’s heart. To make things funnier, Anko essentially took Tail Red’s first kiss without realizing that she is actually a guy who turned into a girl while dumping Thouars. It looks like they still have to beat Dark Grasper the second time since she is still at large.
As expected, this show wouldn’t be complete without a twin-tailed girl voiced by Kugimiya Rie. Still, I wonder when Strawberry Tails is going to show up.

It seems that everyone has writer’s block once in a while. Apparently, the director seems to have it since he took a long time to complete the storyboards. If you are an Anime Blogger or write fanfiction, this feeling is understandable. When this happens, one just has to take a break and do something else or get help from someone to break it.
It seems that the director was unsatisfied with the proposed ending, so he got someone to help him and suddenly, he was able to come up with a satisfying ending. This just shows that storyboards are not necessarily easy to make, especially for the last episode since there is a lot of pressure to make the ending good.
On the other hand, I kind of understand Misa’s frustration of making nothing but car rims and wheels. Given that the company she works for has a good reputation for making 3D models of cars, it’s very unlikely that her work will change. I think Misa has to understand that while the work she does is mundane and boring, this is usually the case when someone gets a new job. Unless you are experienced and good at the field, most will do some type of job training before getting larger tasks. Because of that, she shouldn’t worry too much and just build up her talent for her dream job.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works
- Ore Twintail
- Shirobako
Ore no Twintails keeps sounding more and more Kampfer-esque than I thought. If you have not watched Kampfer never mind.
I only watched two episodes of Kampfer and it was pretty bad. At least Ore Twintail is enjoyable enough and the main character is not too annoying. Still, I get what you are talking about.
Shocking revelation that the protagonist is…okay.