Now that Pokemon ORAS is now out, I have created a Live Blog over at my sideblog. I will announce when I start since I haven’t got my copy and I need to finish all my classwork before Thanksgiving (so I can spend most of my break playing games).
As for Amagi Brilliant Park, as of now, there is still no subs and it looks like it’s not coming out anytime soon, meaning that I will eventually cover it once it releases (can’t watch the RAWs since I won’t understand all of it). Comes to worst, I’ll combine it in next weeks post for that show.
Ore Twintail ni Narimasu

From the looks of it, I don’t know what to think about Dark Grasper yet. It seems that she is obsessed with Thouars and believes that Tail Red is her (not surprising since her twintail affinity is in the Tail Red Gear). This situation eventually becomes hilarious because Tail Red basically recites everything that Thouars says, causing her to become really disappointed. Considering that Dark Grasper is basically taking advantage of Ultimaguil to win Thouars’s approval, I won’t be surprised if she actually finds her, she will decide to ditch them. Still, I wonder what she likes about her.
As for Erina, the pandora’s box is finally open and she basically asked the student body about adult magazines. I wonder what the girls are up to since they are trying to get Souji accustomed to the female body (or rather, his transformation). Still, I can admit that Aika looks cute with glasses on.

I have a feeling that Ema is giving up before she even started. She is discouraged by the fact that if one can’t draw fast enough, one can never become a professional animator. One of the older animators makes a good point that it takes time and practice to become better before an animator can finish the key frames quickly without sacrificing quality. Ema believes that focusing on quality would slow things down. Because of that, she took short cuts to finish them quickly. Unsurprisingly, her work was poor quality and she has to redo them.
I think it’s better to do it properly the first time even if it takes more time rather than cut corners so you don’t have to redo everything. Then again, she could always ask for help. I think the reason she is reluctant to do so is because she haven’t gotten over her shyness. I think she will get over it eventually.
As for Kaoru, Aoi’s older sister, I find it funny that she used all the special stuff when she came to her apartment. I can’t blame her since she visits her once in a while. Not only that, it seems that Aoi will handle the last Episode of Exodus. I wonder how she will fare in the next few episodes.
Anime Power Rankings from Last Week
- Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Shirobako
- Ore Twintail
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