It seems that Shirou has become an easy target, unfortunately.
Considering what happened to a female student and Ayako disappearance from last time, it seems that something fishy is happening. From the looks of it, Shinji is the culprit since he was the last person that saw her and he had Rider do his bidding. Yes, he even has the nerves to try to convince Shirou to join his team. While Shirou can be annoying at times, at least he wouldn’t use his servant/magical abilities to harm others. Shinji on the other hand is worst than dung (besides his grandfather). I hope he will receive the punishment he deserves since he is a big jerk. Also, his grandfather too for obvious reasons.

On the other hand, it seems that Caster has captured Shirou when he was asleep. As predicted, she wants to steal his command seals to take control of Saber because she needed someone stronger to defeat Berserker. Not surprising since his noble phantasm makes him extremely difficult to defeat. Considering that Shirou is the weakest link, it’s bound to happen. At least Archer managed to save him in time. It looks like he will be facing off Caster next time while Saber fights Assassin. Still, I have a feeling that he doesn’t seem to like Shirou that much and I doubt that will change anytime soon.
Yeah…I think everyone hates Shinji, in every adaptation he is always a scumbag.
I hated how this episode ended on a cliffhanger though! I guess that’s one of the downfalls of watching anime as it airs…having to wait a week for the next episode (since I used to watch only anime which were completed).
And yes, there is never enough Rin in any given episode (at least not enough for me) 🙂
Yep, he is a true scumbag, but he will truly get what we deserves… eventually when Heaven’s Feel movie releases next year.
Still, I know that feeling… but the recent episode does not have much Rin in it, but of course a lot of Archer.