It seems that Shirou was foolish enough to go and protect Saber knowing that he could have been killed. Despite this, it seems that all the girls want a piece of him.
From last time, I would have thought that Shirou would have smarten up and admit that he can’t do everything. Unfortunately, that is asking a bit too much from him. It seems that he received a slight injury from protecting her, which in turn caused him to faint. Thankfully, he was able to heal his wounds on his own. While I doubt that he would restrain himself from doing something this foolish again, it’s a wakeup call considering that there are people who want him dead. While I doubt Rin wants to kill him (or rather, she wants Archer to defeat Saber), clearly Illya wants him dead considering what happened during the fourth Grail War.

Also, we learn more about Saber and her reasons she doesn’t want to share her real name. It seems that she is hiding something since it’s somewhat apparent that she knows what happened 10 years ago in Fate/zero. However, it’s very unlikely she will reveal anything until the bitter end. Still, I find the reactions from people when they saw her wandering around the school and following Shirou home with Sakura and his teacher kind of entertaining considering that he is the only man.

Although it’s nice to learn a bit more about Saber, it seems that there is yet another servant causing chaos around the town. After Rin entered the building, besides having to defeat the moving skeletons, she discovers that the workers fell into a coma because Caster is gathering mana. From the looks of it, it seems that Saber and Shirou might have a new opponent to face off next time and hopefully they will be ready.
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