Finally finished my second round of midterms, so hopefully next week’s Anime Weekly post won’t come out this late.
Still, Tail Red is cute.
Ore Twintail ni Narimasu

I can’t believe that Tail Red has become an Internet sensation worldwide! She is now being treated like an idol. From the looks of it, Erina is not the only one who is obsessing over anymore. Still, it’s funny to see Souji loose his mind over the whole thing although he seems to like his new form a lot. It seems that s/he does not need to fondle Aika’s twintails anymore, which is why Aika is very jealous.
While Aika transforming into Tail Blue and beating the crap out of Fox Guildy was awesome, it seems that she can’t derail Tail Red’s growing popularity. Maybe it’s because Aika beaten the crap out of Thouars so many times and stole the Tail Gear from her that she got a bad reputation. Even so, Tail Red not wanting to attack a fake clone just because she would never hurt a girl with twin tails does not come at as a surprise at all.


Aoi thought that the studio would pull through with the changes and get Episode 4 done by the deadline. Sadly, she was mistaken. Murphy’s Law has kicked in yet again and almost jeopardized the airing of Episode 4. Although I felt sympathetic towards them as most of the staff felt exhausted, it seems that both the main and backup servers went offline at the worst possible time.
While I watch this situation unfold, I wondered to myself: why they are still using FTP when SFTP is more secure? Also, if uptime is important, they should at least leverage the cloud or have multiple sites to prevent this from happening. Regardless, I’m happy that they managed to get Episode 4 done in the nick of time. Even so, I wonder if everything for Episode 9 is safe. If not, they are in a world of trouble. For now, I guess they shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Last Week’s APR
- Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Ore, Twintail ni narimasu
- Shirobako
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