Seiya announced that he would close the park for one day to improve the park, but what radical changes does he have in mind?
From the looks of it, it seems that Seiya is taking a radical approach in order to improve the park. While some of his ideas make business sense such as opening later and getting rid off the frequent holidays on Friday, having everything in the park cost only 30 yen is probably a bit too extreme considering that the park is in bad financial condition. Even so, I feel that Seiya is more focused on getting more people to the park to reach the goal rather than finances as they are screwed either way. I see it this way: As long the visitors remain loyal, I think they will be willing to pay more.

As for the marketing, as much I like the elemental girls, Isuzu and Latifa wearing swimsuits,Seiya’s first marketing campaign was a flop (it’s expected since amusement parks are usually geared towards family and young couples). However, I’m quite surprised that he took advantage of a bad situation whenMoffie beats up two parents and a child for calling the park a ripoff. While the saying “the customer is always right” doesn’t necessarily apply here, Moffie was clearly the instigator and his actions almost caused the park to receive a bad reputation that would destroy them for good. I am glad that plan B was successful since Seiya figured that he could use the situation to his advantage to show Moffie’s positive aspects rather than his bad side.’

While Seiya’s efforts got the park 20 more visitors on top of the average attendance. I think it’s a good start. Even so, it seems that the goal of reaching 500,000 visitors remains elusive. Still, I wonder what happened to Latifa at the end. It makes me wonder if the filming had a bad effect on her since she went outside the magic field. Hopefully, it won’t be too serious.
It’s like the writers said. Hey. We know how much of a swimsuit connoisseur OG is. Let’s do something we do not often do. Combine bikinis with cheerleaders. It’s great being me Macho Chikorita. It really is.
Yep, having swimsuits and cheerleading is a good winning combination to attract more people. As he said, every view counts no matter how bad it is.