In an instant, Illya’s life has been turned upside down all thanks to Kuro!
While Kuro Illya didn’t reveal much except for the fact that she wants to kill the real one, she is out of control. She manages to escape despite being tied up and locked in the basement. From the looks of it, it seems that nobody can keep her locked up forever. I bet that if you lock her up in a maximum-security prison, she will find a way to escape in no time. Either way, she wants to make Illya’s life miserable as much as possible since she cannot kill her now due to the curse. Not only that, she doesn’t like the fact that Illya wants to lead a normal life.

To Illya’s surprise, Kuro almost came close to stealing Shirou away from her. While I don’t really care about him since he is nothing like Kiritsugu, she is basically showing Illya’s true feelings, except for kissing part. It seems that she is into everyone, especially Miyu as she kissed all the girls in the school to regain energy. There is no wonder why Illya is so outraged because her reputation is also on the line.

Thanks to Kuro, Illya is now in a very though situation since she got seen in a magical girl outfit by her friends and mistaken it to cosplay. Since Kuro is transferring into the school, is there any hope for Illya to get along with her? From the looks of it, she probably needs to inflict more pain on herself in order to make her listen. Even so, I wonder about Miyu’s brother since she mentioned that Shirou looks like him. I guess she will reveal it when the time comes.
I suppose the friendship of the two Illya will be the most important element of this series. Curious to see if they’ll adapt the cliffhanger ending of the manga series too…*wonder*
Considering that Kuro probably has some connection to Illya’s previous duty, I won’t be surprised if they eventually work together in some shape or form… But hopefully, they will share everything about who she is by the end of the season.
Knew this day would come and was ready for it. It still made me want to murder someone which is why I threw away my noose and machete.
Yep and there is no surprise that Shiro is still useless even if Kuro apparently loves him while having some interest in Miyu. I doubt Illya will let that happen for long.
It’s just some nonsense I’ll have to deal with.