Since Raku and Chitoge finally resolved their differences, it’s time to see them perform.
While it’s obvious that Raku will not pick a girl yet, I admit that the play was very enjoyable. Not only Chitoge messed up some of her lines, the play unintentionally turns into some kind of comedy act. Add Tsugumi’s and Marika’s attempt to steal Romeo away from Juliet, it just gets ridiculously funny. While Claude shows up to fight him, I kind of felt bad for Kosaki as she gets left out of the action. At least he made it up to her in the end with her own performance.

From the looks of it, I feel that the fake relationship façade is breaking for the fact that Chitoge have finally realized that she is in love with him. While she doesn’t outright admit it, it’s quite noticeable when she apologizes to Raku for being mean towards him and realize that she was wrong. With the locket missing in action, it makes me wonder if her key managed to unlock his locket. I guess we won’t find out until they announce another season.
Final Thoughts
While I initially have mixed feelings about Raku since most male leads are spineless, I admit that he has redeeming qualities for the fact that he cared about his love interests. Of course, Chitoge also developed a lot over the course of the season for the fact that she gradually warms up to him despite having completely opposite chemistry. Still, I enjoyed Kosaki and Marika as well even though they have a lower chance of winning no matter how hard they try. With that, I won’t mind a second season and hopefully Tsugumi will get some development for the fact that she didn’t receive the attention the other three girls got.
Overall Rating: 8.9/10, B+, Very Good
I enjoyed the Romeo and Juliet skit. It was very funny, especially the part when Raku calls Marika his sister.
Out of curiosity, who was your favourite character in the series? Mine was Ruri haha.
I kind of enjoy Marika quite a lot although the other girls are just as enjoyable. :p