Yep, it’s true! There are more than one Lincas.
Oddly enough, I’m quite surprised that the directors decided to include the first Linca from Atelier Ayesha since she didn’t show up in the second game. I suppose that they wanted to introduce both of them because most of the Anime viewers probably haven’t played the first game (I am playing it now and haven’t gotten to all her events yet). Yep, the first Linca is that evil that Ayesha and Linca had to challenge her in one of the events, but that is aside from the point.

On the other hand, the third one, which actually shows up in the second game is rather enjoyable. She apparently loves to drink and almost drags the actual Linca to drink even though she refuses. I guess she has an enjoyable personality since she is more cheerful than the first one. Still, both of them caused a lot of trouble, thus racked up a huge bill that Marion wouldn’t be happy to pay off. I guess it can’t be helped.

As a whole, it feels that the adaptation is doing the best of everything for the fact that you can’t possibly fit every possible arc from the game. In a way, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for the fact that it’s still very enjoyable to watch compared to the anime adaptation of Shining Hearts and its obsession over bread. Even so, I noticed that the animation quality took a big hit in some of the scenes, which kind of worries me. Then again, it will probably be fixed in the actual DVD/Bluray release as usual.
Aside from that, the hot spring episode is next, which is very surprising for the fact that the Dusk series don’t have that much fanservice compared to the more light-hearted Arland trilogy. Considering that the show will probably focus on the actual plot in the last 4 episodes, I’m not surprised at all.
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