During the fall of 2012, Kyoto Animation started to shift their focus to in-house intellectual properties rather than adapting source material. The first show in this new effort was Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai, which focused on delusions and hints of love. While the first season had a lot of enjoyable and adorable moments, the drama towards the end felt a bit out-of-place. They notice this and decide to make the sequel have a more lighthearted feeling. (Image Source)
The sequel follows the events after the movie and the first season as the new school year begins. As expected, Shinka is not satisfied on how Yuuta is progressing his relationship with Rikka. At the same time, Rikka is forced to move into his apartment after being evicted. Shortly after, a mysterious girl who has Chuunibyou moves into that apartment and a few days later, challenges Rikka to a battle. Who is this girl and will she shake up the their relationship to the right direction?
Compared to the last season, the sequel is a lot more comedic and light-hearted rather than dramatic. This is noticeable with the episodes that spotlight the side characters such as Shinka, whom attempts to run for student council president and receives help from rival, Sanae. While I enjoyed watching these episodes, these filler episodes gives me an impression that Yuuta’s relationship with Rikka is barely making progress. This is kind of sad since Shinka received a lot of character development compared to the two as she begins to accept her alter ego rather than banishing it.
On the other hand, I understand that Rikka might not be fully ready for love since she is more focused on her Chuunibyou. I was hoping that Satone would be the catalyst to change that because she is Yuuta’s childhood friend, but nope. I felt that the directors made her give up on him before she even tried. This is very upsetting to me since I wanted her to become a true rival so that Rikka would have to experience the feeling of true love. By having Satone give up so easily, not only it maintains the status quo, it also makes the whole sequel feel pointless because their relationship hardly budged from the first episode. Not only that, it also defeats the point of introducing Satone.
As a whole, I enjoyed Chuunibyou Ren mostly because of the comedy thanks to the other characters (Satone, Kumin, Shinka and Sanae). However, I felt that the romantic development between Yuuta and Rikka was very disappointing considering how much they got in the first season. Despite this flaw, Chuunibyou Ren is still a very entertaining show, but just not as good compared to the first season.
Overall Rating: 8.3/10, B-, Good
I agree that a real triangle would have made things a little more interesting. At the same time, I’m pretty divided on the idea. I did end up really liking Satone’s character due to the way they portrayed her here. Plus, it’s a bit understandable they didn’t go that route because Yuuta and Rikka were already in a relationship before Sophia ever came to town.
HOWEVER, it would have worked if they had adapted Satoen’s “kidnapping” game with Rikka that was supposedly in the light novels. The conflict settled here is so abrupt.
If she was introduced in the first season, I think a love triangle would work. I think the reason she got the shaft is for the fact that they didn’t really introduced her until the sequel, where she will clearly not have a chance. But still, it’s kind of disappointing that Kyoto Animation didn’t decide to adapt the kidnapping as you mentioned, it would have at least made the conflict a bit more interesting.
Not as good as the first season as far as plot went but it was still more of the same goodness. Plus this season gave me many more magical moments. You can guess what I am referring to before even dropping by my pad.
Yep, the only real aspects I enjoyed is of course the antics between Shinka and Sanae and of course, Satone herself since she was a pretty interesting character. But in general, I admit that Rikka and Yuuta’s decisiveness kind of ruined it for me.
You meant indecisiveness. I just see the two as a very subdued “nerdy” couple. I dunno how horny “nerd” couples can get so if I’m wrong about this I apologize.
NibuDeko were the breakout stars along with the epically awesome Pinky Pie.
Yep, I ment that, but of course considering that Rikka is more focused on her illusions, I doubt we will see them acting like actual couples if Kyoto Animation decides to make yet another season. Then again, I’ll probably be doubting myself. But aside from that, I agree that the second season was a bit more about Sanae and Shinka (with a little of Satone shoved in) then the main couple themselves.