Yep, it’s that time again! It’s time to focus on another community activity post thanks to a fellow Anime blogger named Moonliasteria.
As seen on other posts, here are the official rules:
- Download the award logo and add it to your acceptance post.
- Nominate a few fellow bloggers and share the award.
- Since the award is ABC, take each letter of the alphabet and use it to tell something about yourself.
With that, let’s start, shall we?

Apple – While some people hate Apple for the fact that most of their users are smug and there is a cult worshiping the company, it was the first real computer I used during my childhood since it had a lot of educational software. While I stopped using Macintosh computers in 4th grade when I got my mother’s old Pentium computer, I used Windows until 2006 when I got tired of having my PC breaking down on me (in fact, my mother went through 5 Dell and HP laptops). When I got a Macbook Pro for Christmas in 2006, I never looked back. While I own a Surface Pro 2 (which replaced my first-gen iPad), I still use my 2012 Macbook Pro as my main computer.
Backlog – As with most Anime bloggers, I have a sizable backlog when it comes to Anime. However, my gaming backlog is huge and I admit that I have a bad habit of not completing games to 100%.
Clannad – Out of the visual novels Key made, Clannad is my favorite mostly because of its story focusing on the central theme of family while having hardcore drama. Also, the second season of the Anime adaptation, which Kyoto Animation made is still one of the highest scored shows on my list and is one of my favorites

DS (Dual Screen) – Before the Playstation Vita came out, the Nintendo DS was my favorite gaming system and I own almost all the models. While I have my original and lite break on me due to the poor hinge designs, it had a huge library of fun games such as Mario and Pokémon. Of course, it was region free until Nintendo decided to region lock their consoles.
Educated – Back in 2013, I finally finished my bachelors majoring in Management Information Systems. I’m working on a Master’s Degree in Information Technology, which I expect to have done by the end of this year.
Fansite – As mentioned before, this is what I did several years before I got into Anime Blogging.

Gaming – Obviously, video games are a big part of my life and its one of the biggest hobbies next to Anime. However, I’m not a typical gamer who mainly plays first player shooters. I play mostly Japanese made games. (Take that Phil Fish!!)
Harry Potter – Although I don’t usually read books, but when I do, Harry Potter books are my favorite. I read almost all of them besides the first and sixth one. However, I saw all the movies.
Idolmaster – While I’m not interested on real life idols, I admit that I enjoyed the anime adaptation a lot that I bought the actual games, which basically a visual novel with some minigames and rhythm game aspects smashed together. The whole objective of the game is to raise your idol or unit to become the most popular in Japan. In addition to the games, there is a lot of music to listen as Namco released several music CDs featuring music sung by the voice actresses for their respective character.
Japanese language – Since 2011, I started teaching myself some Japanese and so far, I can understand mostly at an intermediate level and can play Japanese games while having an electronic dictionary in front of me. Still, Kanji remains the difficult aspect that I’m slowly tackling.日本語が分かれますか。
Key – I admit that I am a big Key fanboy and I generally enjoy most of the slice of life moments and hard-core drama in these visual novels. Not only that, Kanon in addition to Lucky Star and Haruhi was some of the shows that regained my interest in Anime and start blogging about it.
Lia – One of my favorite Japanese singers mostly because of her voice. She made a good amount of the opening/ending songs in Visual Arts/Key visual novels.
Music – As mentioned in the past, music is a big part in my life mostly because I learned how to play the Piano since my childhood. While I played the violin for only a year, I also played the Clarinet in concert band throughout grade school. I never went above 2nd Chair because I was lazy and hardly practiced, but still manage to sound good enough.
Nintendo – Despite my recent disappointment with them over the whole Pokebank release fiasco that they fixed today, they are still my go to console as they got me into gaming besides the Playstation. Between my little sister and I, we pretty much own every console from them with besides the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Virtual Boy. Also, the Super Nintendo and the Gameboy were the consoles that got us into gaming.
OS X – This is the operating system I prefer and use on a daily basis.
Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) – Although I enjoyed the idea of a role-playing game where you go on an adventure to catch cute monsters, train them, beat Gym Leaders and become the Pokémon Master, this game also what got me into Anime. Although I don’t watch the Pokémon Anime anymore, I still enjoy the games quite a lot. Some of my favorite Pokémon are Espeon, Eevee and Milotic.
Quests – I do them a lot in video games (Honestly, I can’t think of anything for this letter)
Role Playing Games – This is the genre of games I usually play the most because of its story, characters and the gameplay. However, I only play Japanese Role Playing games, not Western as they don’t interest me. Some of the roleplaying games I have played thus far are Pokémon, Recettear, Final Fantasy (7/10/12/13), Tales of (Hearts and Graces f), Shining Hearts, Atelier series (Elie, Arland Trilogy, Escha&Logy) and Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1.
Simulation Games – Oddly enough, I enjoy simulation games a lot mostly because it’s an open sandbox. Maxis games such as Simcity (the ones after Simcity 4 are terrible) and Sims are really fun and I usually play with these games for hours. Of course, Idol raising games also falls in this category.
Tsundere – My favorite archetype when it comes to Anime and even video games, mostly for their character development.
United States – The country I currently live and born in. (Like last time, I don’t have anything for this letter either!)
Violin – As mention earlier, I used to play this instrument during the third grade. However, I gave this up for the Clarinet during the fourth grade.
Windows – Despite using Windows for several years, it’s my least favorite operating system mostly because it requires a lot of maintenance and such. I still use it on my Surface Pro 2 tablet, which is used mostly for note taking in OneNote, Photoshop and web browsing (when I’m in bed). I use Windows 7 Professional (which is the best Windows OS to date) on my Macbook Pro mostly for computer games. Otherwise, I use OS X for everything else.
Xylophone – While I played something like this, I actually played the Marimba during my only year in Marching Band in senior year.
Young – Like most Asians, I look younger compared to my actual age.
Zelda – While I’m not the biggest Zelda fan, I got pretty close to completing Twilight Princess. Sadly, stopped playing when I got to the Sky Temple.
That does it for the ABCs and I hope everyone enjoyed them. As for me, I won’t nominate anyone for the fact that making this list was difficult to make. If anyone wants to do it, notify me on Twitter and I’ll add you to the list.
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