It seems that Mori Summer is back to do something about Yuuta’s relationship.
From the look of it, I was not surprised by the lack of progress Yuuta have in advancing his relationship with Rikka. It seems that she is more focused on her illusions rather than on love. As seen with the bill she racked up when she bought those goggles and going food shopping with him, it seems that they still act like best friends. While I admit that the stalking was fun, sadly, Shinka was not satisfied.

As for the date, it was fun to look at Yuuta and Rikka going out for the first time. It seems that he finally got her to hold his hands. While the dolphin scene was hilarious to look at as she manages to get wet while trying to get it to sway its head, they made little progress. Not only that, they haven’t kissed yet. Still, I think that they are not ready yet, no matter how many times Kannagi or Shinka intervenes. At this point, they are only keeping the relationship afloat. I think time will resolve this and perhaps, the mysterious new girl who is also a Chuunibyou might be that catalyst.

With Shinka ditching her new look, my eyes are now on the new pink-haired girl who wants to show her magic to Rikka. I wonder what tricks she has up her sleeves and how crazy she is? I guess we’ll finally see next time.
I can’t wait to see some jealousy coming from Rikka…:D
Perhaps, especially if you consider the fact that she might have some romantic feelings for Yuuta. :p