As Akihito reunites with Mirai to confront the youmu inside him, will they stop Miroku’s plan in its tracks?
While I don’t have much to say about this episode since it consists of a lot of suspense as Mirai and Akihito tries to reach the ultimate youmu, it was an exciting episode at the same time. Besides the two being looking awesome as they take down hordes of youmus, Akihito finally embracing his youmu that was inside of him was a powerful scene to me as he finally accepts who he is and don’t let it be a hindrance. Of course, this wouldn’t have been possible without Mirai, who is in a similar situation.

At the same time, I’m also glad that Miroku got defeated for his actions. Izumi basically kills him even though it went against her own ideals as she also has a youmu inside herself. At least she owned up to making Mirai sacrifice herself needlessly by resigning her position to Hiroomi even though Mirai eventually gets revived at the end. I know that people are going to be angry because they pulled a deus ex machina, but I don’t think the author is going to let their protagonist get killed off for good.
Final Thoughts
It seems that everyone hates this show for the fact that it doesn’t live up to the hype. While I will cover this subject in a future editorial, I felt that the execution for this show was messy. Sure, the story got a bit better towards the end, especially with the fighting scenes. At the same time, this show is trying to be like Chuunibyou, but it didn’t work because the original source material was a lot darker. Perhaps the directors thought that a darker show wouldn’t appeal to that many people, which is why they added comedy to the mix? Of course, this leaves much to be desired.
At the end of the day, while this is not the worst show of 2013 (Ore no Imouto 2 takes that title), it’s definitely not the best I’ve seen from Kyoto Animation. Perhaps the studio should reevaluate their new effort. Out of the four in-house franchises, I still think Chuunibyou is the strongest even though it still pales slightly in comparison to something like Hyouka. Then again, I think sales will ultimately determine how successful this show. Still, I think this show should serve as a lesson that it’s not a good idea to overhype shows because there is a possibility that you might become very disappointed. Balance is key.
Overall Rating: 7.8/10, C, Good
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