Riki now faces his first obstacle in reviving Little Busters, defeating Masato.
From the last episode, it’s obvious that Riki has a lot of challenges up ahead to completely rebuild Little Busters. So far, he has shown himself to be very capable by doing the same thing Kyousuke did and set up traps to wear out Masato. Although it was creepy, it’s also hilarious to see Masato mindlessly fell into the trap that causes him to become glued to the statue. With the same strategy, Riki and Rin was able to defeat him after wearing him out, which is an accomplishment considering that they are weaker than Masato.

On the other hand, we got to see some back-story regarding Masato’s dark childhood. I was surprised that he used to be an innocent child. He apparently couldn’t take the other children laughing at him anymore, so he resorted to violence. It’s understandable since he was being bullied and the only thing that can stop it is becoming stronger since he didn’t have any friends. In a sense, strength can isolate people in a similar way like Riki who is weak to begin with. As we seen with Kyousuke fighting Masato and eventually allowing him to join Little Busters, it shows that there is a group of people who can accept people as they are and will always be there. I think he understands this after Riki defeats him and decides to rejoin.

While this episode has a good number of hilarious moments such as Masato getting glued to a statue and having to drag it, I noticed that Riki and Rin also changed a lot. Riki is finally showing some good leadership while Rin is being more proactive. To me, it feels like he is becoming more like Kyousuke with his own twist. With that, I wonder how well he will do when he faces Kengo? Also, what other hidden secrets does Kengo have? I think he will pull through even if it will be difficult.
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