As Yuiko fades away, Rin finally takes center stage.
While the happy moments are about to end, this is essentially the last glimpse of comedy before the heavy drama comes in full force. It’s just funny to see Riki become so flustered after realizing that he is infatuated with Rin after some girl confesses to him. I think it’s already obvious that Rin is going to win for the fact that Riki can’t possibly have romantic feelings with all the girls at the same time. Even so, I think this is an okay tradeoff although Yuiko would probably make a better girlfriend for Riki.

Despite feeling slightly awkward for the fact that this came out of the blue, this is expected since it’s the catalyst that will make them become mature. Riki hinted this when he mentions that they won’t be kids forever. Especially for the fact that they are the only ones that can learn about the secret of the world pretty much sums everything up what Kyousuke and the others are saying to help Riki and Rin.

As Riki and Rin have their first romantic relationship, what exactly is the secret of the world? Besides the field trip and Kyousuke stating that he won’t be around forever, there is another subtle development that happened in this episode. Apparently, Yuiko and then Haruka, Mio and Kud disappear. Not only that, nobody seems to notice that Yuiko is gone from existence. Is the girls’ disappearance a sign that the world they are in is not reality? Also, how come Komari didn’t disappear yet? While it’s painfully obvious since she is Rin’s best friend, I wonder what will happen to her when the secret is revealed. Either way, the emotional roller-coaster ride is about to begin. Will it exceed Clannad After Story? Time will tell.
I wonder if it’ll exceed both Kanon and Clannad in terms of anime, but the visual novel was really more emotional than both for me. *waits eagerly to see*
From the first time of watching Clannad After Story in 2010, the second half was rather sad. But from the look of this, I wonder how it will emotional it will get in comparison. We’ll see.
The themes of Little Busters really resonates with me, so I honestly think this could top Clannad After Story if they handle this well. Even if they don’t, it’ll still be a damn good anime. What do you think?
It depends if JC Staff manages to handle the secret of the world well. From the looks of the first three episodes, I think there is a good indication that it will be very emotional with the friendship thing. We’ll see if they finally deliver in the next several episodes.