As one would expect, Noire finally gets hacked.

From the looks of it, Noire is just having a really bad day thanks to the hacking. Somehow, someone hacked into Lastation’s servers and stole some information. If you realize this already, this episode basically parodied the Playstation Network hack in April of 2011 by Anonymous. Instead of account information, Anonydeath takes incriminating pictures of Noire. He even took pictures of her cosplaying. While it’s embarrassing to her, it’s still amusing to see the cosplay photos. To put salt on the wound, Neptune made fun of her for having weak security. Despite that, Anonydeath is still creepy in a rather subtle manner.

Besides the hacking, I find that some moments of this episode rather hilarious. Apparently, Vert gets closer with Nepgear. I won’t be surprised if she goes out and create a harem of cute little sisters. Also, Peashy was pretty amusing because she ruins Neptune’s game console, which lead to a heated fight. Still, it’s funny to see Neptune lose by a child.

Overall, Neptune crashing into Noire is basically second highlight in the episode. For some reason, people love using her as a landing cushion. This happens again when the most anticipated character finally arrives. Pururut is here! Hopefully, we learn more about her next time.
Poor Sony/PSN, getting hacked within a virtual world as well…:D
It seems that Sony can’t catch a break in the fantasy world… Such a shame, but hopefully they learned their lessons by now. :p
Anonydeath, nowhere near as detestable as…, I mean that yellow guy. I bet Noire fans had a field day with this episode.
On the level of perverseness, Trick will automatically worse since he is a pedophile… but still, both are still creepy in my opinion.