Starting off from last time. Makoto suddenly gets reminded of a sad incident from his childhood while Rei struggles to survive in the rough waters.
Although people expect some type of boys love from Haruka performing CPR on Makoto, it felt very subtle. Even so, I thought that the drama was too predictable as the boys manage to make it out alive despite getting stranded on an island. They happen to find an abandoned rest area and everything was all right.

While there are some silly stories such as Rei’s embarrassing moment when he was a child and Haruka’s silly love story involving a waterfall, Makoto’s story was the highlight of the episode. Apparently, during his childhood, he wanted to scoop goldfish, but ran out of money. An old fisherman gives him a goldfish, but he eventually perishes in a typhoon, thus causing Makoto become scared of the ocean. I can understand that losing someone special is heartbreaking. At the same time, I felt that the impact would be better if it happened to a family member. Still, I think it will be too much for a somewhat light-hearted show.
After this ordeal, thankfully everyone made it out alive. With that, hopefully, the training regimen was useful for the big tournament as the final day of preparation nears. We will finally see how they will do in the first set of competitions.
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