Ledo finally makes a crucial decision, which will determine the fate of Gargantia.
From the looks of the cult, who claims that they are building a utopia, there is something fishy. I doubt that Kugel will do something that extreme. Not only that, the purge of the ill and elderly instantly changes Ledo decision to fight Kugel, who turns out to be dead all along for the sake of protecting not just Gargantia from that fate, but also Amy and Bevel. I feel that this wouldn’t be possible without a squirrel appearing (which looks like Grace with smaller ears) manages to point Ledo in the right decision. Hopefully once the ordeal is over, this unnamed squirrel will come back and possibly mate with Grace.

On the other hand, it’s surprising to see how easily convinced Chamber was with Ledo’s decision to attack Striker. I think most of this has to do with his loyalty compared to Striker, who basically gone rogue because she is basically relying on her AI, which is programed to kill the Hideauze. From this, I think the final mission in protecting Gargantia will be to shut down Striker permanently.

While this episode is basically a setup for the grand finale for next time, there are some things that stood out the most. For the most part, Pinion has finally redeemed himself and aids Ledo in his battle with Striker. Not only that, Lady Lukkage puts her rivalry aside and helps overthrow the cult, which looks amazing. Even so, I still wonder about the mysterious key that Ridget holds. Perhaps it’s the trump card that will defeat Striker? We just have to wait and see.
I’m very curious about that key as well. Heaven’s ladder, what could possibly that means? 😐
I wonder about it too as somebody said that the key appeared in the video that Ledo watched. Probably it’s unlocks some kind of ancient technology or some laser beam from outer space… But hopefully it’s something exciting.