It seems that Urobuchi shocked everyone with this discovery and it has to do with Darwinism and Squidwhales.
After all the drama with the whalesquids and Ledo shamelessly killing them, I think this twist had to happen in some shape or form. It seems that humans never addressed climate change, thus they had to find an alternative place to live. I would have thought that going into space and colonizing it would be the best idea, but another group had to take extreme measures. The Evolvers decided to experiment on forced Darwinism and make themselves adaptable on Earth and in space with no problems. From the videos that Ledo watched, he witnessed the cold and hard truths that Hideaze are actually evolved humans. This basically contradicts everything that he was taught. However, I don’t blame him as he was brainwashed.
On the other hand, the conflict between the Continental Union and the Evolvers is interesting because of their extreme beliefs. The Continental Union simply wanted to go out into space and colonize planets. On the other hand, the Evolvers want to subject themselves to Darwinism so that they can live in harsh environments even though the experiments they conduct are not necessarily moral. From there, the two groups evolved into the Galactic Empire and Hideauze respectively where they become warring nations that lack morals. In contrast, the Squidwhales and the humans that live on Earth are peaceful, get along with each other and don’t bother each other. I’m not sure how the Squidwhales will react to see one of their nests destroyed, but hopefully the consequences won’t be that harsh.
After learning about the truth regarding the squidwhales also known as the Hideaze, I think Ledo will do a 180 since he now knows that they won’t pose any danger to humans. However, Chamber will be a different story as it might become inclined to kill some more against Ledo’s will. From the reaction Ledo witnessed from Chamber killing an innocent Squidwhale that resembled a human, I think Chamber will ultimately become the enemy. From this, Ledo has to shut him down and ultimately adjust to living peacefully on earth.
I burst out laughing at the front pic. So excellent. This post made my day. Good thing to wash away the depression the show itself actually caused.
While I admit that this episode is rather depressing, I find that pic in one of the forum posts on AnimeSuki. If you get the joke, it references the same voice actress, Hisako Kanemoto who also voices Amy. Considering that we are talking about squids, well it’s appropriate.
Also, there is more where that came from… Here is some fan art:
Honestly speaking, I don’t think Chamber will defy the order of the human leading him. He’s found to be very diligent to following military protocol. The highest ranking officer at the moment is Ledo and he will follow him until someone else appear. 😛
Hopefully he doesn’t, but then again, there has been history that computers betrayed humans for their own goals. It’s possible that Chamber is programed to eradicate the Hideauze. Then again, hopefully Ledo manages to change his mind considering that they are stuck on Earth indefinitely, thus don’t need to follow the Galactic Empire’s rules.