Who is the 9th member on the baseball team? It’s closer than you think.
From the look of things, I can’t believe that the story is going on when they haven’t touched on Yuiko’s and Rin’s arc. While Riki gets a bit closer to knowing the secret of the world, he is still so far away. With one episode left, I highly doubt we are going to know the secret in whole. They will most likely leave it for the next season, which probably air in a year or so.

On the other hand, I felt bad for Miyuki. I admit that she looks like a longer hair version of Rikka, but has a completely different personality and she has an eye patch as a result of losing an eye. While I haven’t experienced a hardship like she did, I can understand why she would feel devastated. Doing archery was her dream and now that is lost. Even so, I don’t think suicide is the answer since she has so much to live for. So what she can’t fulfill her dream? If it actually happened, everyone is going to become sad and hopefully she understands this Thankfully, Kengo saved her life despite injuring his arm and getting suspended for three months from the Kendo team. Then again, it works out for Little Busters since he becomes the ninth member.

While the secret remains unknown, Kyosuke’s decision to step down is surprising. Now, Riki is the leader of Little Busters. Probably this decision will have some effect on the outcome as he holds the power to change fate. After all, I think Riki and Rin are the boy and the girl in that fairy tale of disappearing dwarves.
It would appear anime studios LOVE using the blue haired, white eyepatch combo.
While Little Busters came earlier, I do find it kind of ironic after Rikka made the eyepatch thing so popular… But then again, Mikyuki’s eye color also resembles the color contact lenses that Rikka wears on her right eye. :p
Let’s see, Ikkitousen’s Ryomou Shimei, Chuunibyou, this girl, Wait a sec, that’s only 3. Never mind. Mei Misaki has black hair so she doesn’t count. I guess when I’m bored I’ll look up the blue-hair+white eyepatch combo and see how many more I can find.