Although Kud is adorable, I still felt bad for her.
After revealing that she went over the world during her childhood, I can understand why she is having some difficulties. She manages to get the difficult stuff, but can’t do the easy stuff. I understand there are some people like that in real life. However, her inability to fill circles on the test makes it seem a bit extreme. Of course, her poor English skills don’t help either even though it’s already a difficult language for foreigners. Still, it’s interesting to see what she studies, which happens to be stuff about space and rockets.

On the other hand, while the group helps her study, she ends up failing it. When those three girls starts bullying her by saying that they want to see her fail because it’s cute is just like putting salt on an open wound. To me, that was really mean since they don’t realize the situation she is in. Then again, if this was an American School, they would probably give her more time, give her an alternative format or something to prevent her from bombing the proficiency test. Even so, I felt even worse when she puts down herself after realizing that she filled the answers in the wrong row.

In the end, at least her friends comfort her by taking the remedial class with her, even though they passed. However, there is one thing that surprised me. Apparently, Haruka didn’t fail the test and managed to get an 85 percent. That is pretty good for someone who used to be a troublemaker, but I think Kanata’s help contributed to that result besides using the special pencil.
From the look of things, Sasami is shockingly the next girl they will focus on. If those three girls that bullied Kud was an indication, we are in for some more trouble. But still, it feels odd that they would cover her story this late and right after Kud’s, which doesn’t feel complete (unless the visual novel ends it off there). Even so, I wonder what she is up to, especially when she asks Rin for help, who she does not get along with at all.
This episode was the start of Kud’s route, then they are for some reason returning to the Rin route story and then back to Kud for three more episodes meaning her arc will be four episodes.
Obviously that is the case as I doubt they will leave it hanging… Probably they did it so the remedial classes wouldn’t look too rushed, but whatever…
Aside from that, I wonder how they will finish the remaining two arcs (Yuiko’s and Rin’s_.
Agreed, and I’m unsure if Haruka managed to get that thanks to the pencil or thanks to Kanata’s tutoring. She doesn’t look THAT smart…:|
Who knows… she might have some intelligence behind her troublemaking we don’t know about.