You know it’s coming! Yes, I’m mentioning the Anime Blog Tourney. (Image Source)
While I didn’t muster any kind of win the second time, thankfully I had some fun doing it. If you know by now, I’m not a really aggressive and outspoken blogger, but instead more of a calm and collected one. Out of nowhere, Draggle, whom I was up against, launched a hilarious attack post against me. In response, I made a pathetic attempt to counter that. Thankfully, I didn’t lose by a big margin, so I was content with that.

As for what kind of effect the tourney had on the blog, I managed to receive a lot of visits and page views when my match was active. After it opened, my blog got 711 visits, which is probably the highest in the history of this blog before dropping to about 500 visits for two days. In addition to the increased hits, comments also rolled in, which came out to be 241 for the month (although I deleted some trackbacks from Whiners, who were bashing blogs and telling people to kill themselves).
As for the drama, there was a lot of it. Besides the controversy surrounding Whiners writing review of blogs that had personal attacks is the voting manipulation drama. Like you would expect, it’s easy to manipulate Polldaddy polls, which Novajinx and his friend managed to do with a bunch of proxies. Unfortunately, this led to one of the biggest controversies in the tournament regarding CSW (Chocolate Syrupy Waffles) posting a direct link to their match, which resulted in them receiving a lot of votes in a short period of time. While the organizers changed the voting system half way through, the damage was already done.
As for the future, I don’t think they will use the same format two years from now. Then again, who knows since it’s well off in the future and I expect the blogosphere to change quite a lot with some blogs dying and many more being created.
Tomorrow: JC Staff outrage
Haha fun times! Not sure how it was out of nowhere though, I thought I told you I was going to on twitter 🙂
I believe so, but whatever, it was fun times.