As reality settles in, Rikka discovers love for the first time.
While the episode initially feels sad with Touka trying to bring Rikka back to reality in this battle, it eventually got better. In particular, the battle looked rather interesting as Rikka gets slammed into her former house made of paper. Few moments later, the house burns and reality settles in. Even if Touka is right since nothing can be done about their deceased father or the house, Rikka still fails to understand. Like I mentioned in the last episode, it’s hard for her to get out of the alternate reality she created. She doesn’t want to be reminded of her father’s death given how young she was back then when it happened. Thus, it will take awhile until she fully return to her senses.
After the battle, we got to see something special between the two. Towards the second half, Yuuta catches up with Rikka who takes a train back home. This leaves us with one of the oddest possible ships yet. I just don’t think Rikka fits Yuuta at all given his desire to get over his middle school disease and her somewhat childish personality (but not nearly as bad compared to Sanae). On the other hand, I can see why she gained some interest for him after witnessing Yuuta’s other personality during her childhood and his sense of kindness he shown thus far. Underneath it all, I got to see some hints of affection from her when smelling the clothes he lent her. I think the most important development is when she discovers love for the first time after watching a bit of Romeo and Juliet on television. It got me wondering, will love be the solution to Rikka’s problems? It seems ridiculous if you think about it, but companionship might fill in the emptiness she currently has and bring her back to reality.
Aside from Yuuta and Rikka returning home, we cannot forget about the others. First off, it was rather surprising how Shinka failed to notice the writing on the back until Kumin accidentally burns her and she finds out. Like predicted, Sanae receives a nice punishment from her with some back scrubbing with a rough sponge. Oh, that will be painful! On the other hand, its surprising how pure Kumin for the fact that she hasn’t dated someone since kindergarten and she always wear white. Believe it or not, she resembles Yukiho (minus the timid personality), which I find interesting since they both share the same voice actress. Still, I wonder how the relationship between her and Makoto will play out in the end.
I doubt she’ll ever date Makoto, or well…I can’t honestly say it for sure considering Kumin is a anime-original character…:|
Considering that she is an anime original, there is a good possibility that it could happen too… but we’ll see in the end.