Wow, the war ended rather quickly! What we got instead is some hilarious body swapping.

After seeing the outcome, its kind of disappointing that the battle between Adelaide and the Biscotti crew. However, the surprising thing is that she manages to flip the tables and brought home the lead for Pastillage after getting last place in the first war. Even with the results, it was interesting to see that the events in the 2nd war aren’t strictly focused on battles compared to the first season. This time, they had volleyball, arm wrestling, a game show and a water battle. As you would expect, all the participants are in swimsuits, which also means one thing… fanservice! Although the last two days are pretty short, I liked how they diversify the activities to be more like the Olympics.

Aside from the festivities, Milhi and Shinku spend time together at the river. Yukikaze also showed up as well and let the two stay for lunch. What interested me is how Yuki managed to grow up so quickly. She recalls her childhood memories of her growing up with Éclair, Ricotta and Milhi. As you would expect, they are adorable and it was nice to see Ricotta as a child since we didn’t get to see her like that in Episode 7.

However, this is not the highlight of this episode. What made this episode really entertaining is the body swapping caused by a fairy that Adelaide accidentally let loose. Believe it or not, this is how body swapping should be instead of shoving a lot of drama. It was just funny how Shinku ended up in Yuki’s body since he is not used to her assets. Meanwhile, Yuki gets Milhi while she gets the fairy’s body and the culprit, stealing Shinku’s. Even with the body differences, it’s amazing how Shinku and Yuuki were able to use special abilities inside the body they are controlling and capture Shinku’s body.

Believe it or not, it always seem that Dog Days is probably one of the most light-hearted shows I enjoyed that doesn’t pile on the melodrama. With summer ending for the three, I suppose the fun has to come to an end, especially with two more episodes remaining. It’s a shame since I really enjoyed the second season with more exciting moments compared to the out-of-place drama from the first season. My only guess is that the three will come back during winter vacation if there is another season. Then again, we’ll see.
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