It seems that the Idolmaster goodness keeps on going. After watching Episode 15 and 16 despite Kevo ragequitting two times in the latter because of Jupiter, I decided to tackle the special I intend to cover this week. However, I did it one day early since Dog Days 2 subs are not out yet.
Like one would expect, this episode consists of very enjoyable sketches from one of the shows I really enjoyed in 2011 (besides Madoka, Fate Zero Part I and Hourou Musuko). Yes, Producer going to America is mentioned, which is not so surprising since the game has him going there as a prize for the Idol Academy nomination. In the true endings, it shows him coming back a year later and meeting the idol he produced. Of course, Miki is the exception as you see in my Idolmaster 2 Lets Play Finale.
Since the episode is split up into individual sketches, I will share the ones that I enjoyed the most:
Karaoke Failure

It’s kind of funny to see Chihaya getting the lowest scores on her personal songs while the other girls rake in the high scores. I understand how she feels since singing means everything to her. The surprising part is that she manages a 100% on “Ohayou!! Asagohan,” which sounded so robot like. I suppose the writers want to reference her role as a robot in Episode 15 and of course, the fandom.
Idol Warfare

If the Mecha movie wasn’t enough, 765 Productions made another film. It involves idol warfare with guns and drama with that killing, which looked awesome compared to the lameness called AKB0048. It was fun to see the girls maintain their personalities despite Haruka killing her friend and various people throughout the movie. I suppose the scriptwriters wanted her to bring out the hidden evilness even though she isn’t like this in real life.
Takane vs Jupiter

Just like Mugi from K-ON, Takane never ate at a sushi-go-round restaurant. Regardless, it leaves to one of the most amusing parts as the Futami Twins and Hibiki joins in. Besides Touma trying to eat Hamuzou, which is hilarious on it’s own right, it’s funny to see Takane scarfing down every plate while he complains about not being able to take anything. I assume that she has a bottomless stomach and burns what she eats rather quickly since no normal human would eat that much in a short period of time.
On the flipside, Jupiter beats the girls at the slots and got a sushi toy… That was kind of lame.
Other Remarks

Besides the three best sketches I mentioned, there are other moments I really enjoyed although they weren’t long. This includes Azusa’s best song, “By My Side” and Kotori having some romantic interests for the Producer. Also, I liked the shipping moment during Yaoi’s stay at Iori’s mansion. One of the things that didn’t realize until now is that some of the Kugimiya Rie tsundere lives in these big mansions. I know Nagi from Hayate the Combat Butler, Alisa from Nanoha and Melty from Shining Hearts are the three examples I know on top of my head. Even so, it was nice to see how her place looked like since it only got mentioned until now.
Aside from that, this finally ends the enjoyable ride called The Idolmaster Anime. While Scamco prepares for the release of Shiny Festa, which is two months away, you know damn well that I will buy and download it on the day it comes out! I can’t wait!
Overal Rating: 9.0/10, Very Good, A-
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