Becky must have played so much Touhou or something that she becomes good at using her powers on the first try.
After the highly controversial transformation scene that allowed Becky to gain magical power, she literally blew everyone away. At first, I thought she would be at a huge disadvantage because of self-esteem issues, but man I was proven wrong. She latterly used magic cards that were insanely powerful that people on the ground didn’t stand a chance. The oddest thing that I noticed is that she aimed mostly at Biscotti’s forces. Probably, she has a hidden jealously for Shinku’s harem or just having some fun. Still, it was entertaining even though she and Millhi got defeated at the same time. Also, Couver completely finishing off Ricotta and leaving her with no clothes shows that squirrel girls are really mean.

Aside from that, the rest of the episode consists of the tour around the Kingdom of Biscotti. It’s funny that all the main dog girls are so attached to Shinku that Becky’s jealousy grew even more than before. Between Ricotta, Millhi, Yukikaze and Éclair having some kind of affection towards him, he already has a sizable harem. This bothers Becky a lot that even asked which girl he likes more. When she pestered him, I literally busted out laughing. Clearly, she doesn’t want to get friendzoned, although it’s painfully obvious that she will since most anime doesn’t like their childhood friends. Oh well, I seriously hope that he will at least make love with Millhi or the more popular choice, Éclair.

It looks like the next few episodes won’t have much action, but lighthearted moments as everyone goes to summer camp. It makes me wonder what festivities they will have besides training. Maybe they will bath in hot springs or explore more of the region before they return to their usual activities.
I tihnk should be very clear that Millhi is the canonical choice. Everyting else is merely a distraction. But in order to fulfill it, Shinku has to stay in Flonyard, which may be a difficult. Getting him returning for good is Becky’s only chance. She is a smart girl, she can figure it out.
Ultimately, I think, Becky’s loss is pre-determined. The only decision she can make is to remember about Shinku or not, after the return to Earth.
Note that Shinku is destined to fight over the Dark Daggers with Brioche and Yukki. That is only possible if he stays as well.
Oh yeah, Millhi did confessed to him in the last episode of the first season. It’s kind of surprising that Becky or the other girls haven’t noticed about the cold truth. Still, staying in Flonyard is a difficult proposition considering that Shinku is still in middle school… unless Millhi decides to abandon the kingdom and decide to live in his world. Of course, everyone will look at her weirdly since she is a dog girl. Just need to wait to see what will happen in the end…
Also, kind of forgot about the Dark Daggers thing. Maybe they will cover some more about that in the second season, maybe.